Assimil Francese Perfezionamento Pdf Viewer

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Assimil Francese Perfezionamento Pdf Viewer

Okay this one has got me hooked although the bait has been swallowed the hook is loose in my mouth, you might say I’m intrigued enough to follow this route. I see a stark similarity in this method and Daniel T Murphy’s. Quality before quantity and walk before you run are to me the same approach. Get some good basics before over indulging is the message I’m getting. ’Rather than surfing the Internet in search of multiple Thai language courses, concentrate on one set of materials’. Okay I’ve selected mine and it is Teach yourself Thai by David Smyth. I’ve loaded the first CD in the drive and I’m going to learn a little five days a week.

I can’t promise it will be a hour each time. I’ll look forward to the second part. Catherine, Great post! Thanks for highlighting Luca and his great language ability on your blog. His methods are truly great for learning languages and they work extremely well. I have spoken to him on many occasions and he has a remarkable ability to really get inside languages and use them in a natural way in conversation.

Assimil Francese Perfezionamento Pdf Viewer

Anyone wishing to get into a language would do well to employ Luca’s methods. Thai is a fabulous language and I have found the Thai people to be hospitable and friendly – the “land of the smiles” truly matches my experience of Thailand. Samayal Samayal Tamil Serial. Anyone wishing to learn this incredible tongue will be well rewarded by the pleasure one gets from conversing with other speakers of the language. Luca’s fine example is a fabulous way to attain a good knowledge of Thai, or indeed any language.

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All the best, Richard. Richard, Welcome to WLT! It is wonderful to see your comments here. Your ’50 things with accents and languages’ is truely amazing, so I hope others will wander over there too.

Luca’s method will work for me. And I especially like how he is advising beginners to stay away from the Internet for awhile. For WLT, I made it my quest to find everything I could to help learn Thai. But too much of a good thing can sidetrack the early efforts of a language learner. On methods I started out my professional life as a portrait artist.

When ‘Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain’ appeared on the market, I was curious so purchased a copy. Reading through, I realised that her method was exactly how I twigged into drawing portraits. It was how I ‘saw’ the world around me. I just didn’t realise it because I started so young – around 4 years old is an early recollection from my parents, who tagged me as an artist from that point on (presents of dolls were overshadowed by paint sets and art classes). And in a way, that is what Luca has done. And just like in drawing, there are many ways to learn languages, but this one is speaking to me personally.

Btw – if you have any tips that you would like to share, please do:-). Dear Federico, first off, let me thank you for the nice words. Listening to a lot of English (or any other language) is without a doubt a very good way of “plonging” into the language, but I suggest you start absorbing English not only by listening to it, but also by reading, writing and speaking it. As I pointed out numerous times, quality does count in language learning. If you read, say, the script of a podcast while listening to it, and you write it down (in both Spanish and English) will help your brain link the script with the sounds (“Verba volant sed scripta manent” the latins used to say). A balance between input and ouput is the key to learning a language consistently.

As you will have noticed, there’s a number of people who read and understand a language effortlessly but have issues when it comes to “uttering” words, producing sounds or write a simple text. There are others who have a decent oral and written “production” but have a rather poor comprehension.

Tutorial Belajar Bahasa Arab Pdf Files. If you do things the right way, you’ll develop all these skills consistently, that is, you’ll be able to read, write, speak and understand very well the language you mean to pick up. You need to have a good method (a nice car) and a lot of fuel (motivation).

With these 2, no matter how far the road strechtes, the results are garanteed. Everybody can pull it off. The difference between those who make it and those who don’t is faith. If you believe in yourself you can do it. Just give it time and never give up. Have a great day Luca PS: I replied in English but I’d gladly answer in Spanish if you didn’t fully understand my answer.

Dear Luca, congratulations to your excellent language skills and many thanks to Catherine for the good explanation. I am German and must admit, that your german is really good. I am self-studying spanish and try to find the best way to learn a language. Your method is quite interesting. Now I have one question regarding the translation: When you do the translation to your native language, should you translate word-by-word (like in Assimil) so that you are able to retranslate it back to the learning-language, for example “I like to play football – Ich mag zu spielen Fussball” or do you prefer the correct way: “Ich spiele gerne Fussball”, but then it might be difficult to translate it back correctly. Kind regards Christian. Dear Christian, first of all, let me thank you for your kind words.

The back-and-forth translations’s main goal is exactly this: to compare the 2 scripts and understand the “fabric”, the structure of the target language you want to learn THROUGH your mother tongue, or another language you know very well. No matter how different they are What you have to do consists of 2 main steps: 1) ANALYSIS 2) SYNTHESIS Analysis means that you have to analyse a script, which can be a very brief dialogue (beginners), a longer text (intermediate) or a newspaper article (advanced). Highlight the words that you don’t know and look them up on the vocabulary (on and/or offline) and write the corresponding meaning at the side of every word (in the very same paper). ASSIMIL is perfect for both the beginner and intermediate phases because you have bilingual texts, so that you can infer the meaning of the words in-context by simply looking at the corresponding translation on the right page. You can read and analyse (study) the dialogue (text,article) as much as you want.

Then, after having read and analysed the text quite a few times (or when you feel ready), open a.doc file (you can write it on paper if you don’t like a computer screen) and by looking at the text in the target language (that is, by looking at your ASSIMIL left page) write it in your mother tongue on the doc.file. When you translate that text (reading Spanish on ASSIMIL and writing in German onto the.doc file in your case), you can help yourself with “some tricks”. As you said, if you come across an expression which is very different in both languages, do like ASSIMIL: write the right translation and add (in brackets) the literal one. When you hit phase 2) you’ll remember how to translate it correctly. I’ve been doing this with every language and it is extremely useful for chinese (see note below)*, which has sometimes sentences really difficult to translate “back and forth” 2) A week later you’ll take the text that YOU have written (with some notes that YOU add to help yourself, as I told you) and try to translate it back into the target language. This is the synthesis and, as you will find out, it is a bit more difficult than simply analyzing a script With 1) and 2) you: acquire words (in context), learn how the two different languages interact, how they work. You also auto-correct yourself and with phase 2 you force your brain to work in a slightly different way: you don’t think in your language in order to produce output in another one, you do the opposite.

By doing so, you learn how to express yourself DIRECTLY in the target language, because the final step, the one which creates the “full circle” is the second, the synthesis. It takes time, but it is extremely beneficial I don’t know if that is clear.

The fact that it is evident in my head doesn’t (unfortunately) necesseraly mean that it is just as clear for others. I try my best to explain it and I’m seriously planning on making a video in this regard (among others which I hope will come out soon:-)) “to fill in the gaps” If you have any more doubt.feel free to drop a line (even in German if you want) Luca * For example: 学习中文的意大利人越来越多”literally means “learning chinese (de) italians are more and more. So, when you read the sentence in chinese and you write it in english (step 1), you’ll write “italians who are learning chinese are more and more numerous” BUT you’ll add the literal translation in brackets (learning chinese (de) italians are more and more.

When you will be translating that sentence from english to chinese it’ll be easier. Dear Luca, thanks a lot for the detailed and precise answer. This aspect now is clear to me and I will follow this procedure during my future studies. On the ohter hand I would like to know your approach when it comes to grammar and communication. How do you deal with that? I understood not to focus to much on grammar rules but isn´t it useful to know the basic rules like how to build tenses? For the communication, I was really surprised how good your german pronounciation was, even if you haven´t been to our country very often.

How do you improve your communication skills? I listened to a polyglot on Youtube you focused on keywords and common phrases to improve his ability to talk. My biggest weakpoint still is the lack of building sentences in my mind while communicating. Do you think this will get better when I enforce your mentioned vice versa translation method? How is your typical “language studying day”? How long does it take you to become familiar with a new language, escp. When they are so difficult like chinese or thai?

Again I am really amazed about your language skills and I really like to learn from your experiance that you made so far. So I am looking forward to some new “discoveries of your secrets”;-). Kind Regards Christian.

Dear friend, I am not suggesting that you or others adopt my method. I am just showing how it works to those willing to listen to me. I don’t sell anything, I just share my experience in language learning. Many people are willingly following this path though, and I am glad to see that it’s working well for them too. There is no one best method, but if you stick to sound principles (working every day and making your way progressively into the “languag2e maze”) you will surely reach your goal, no matter what “method” you embrace. Dear Alberto, making mistakes, forgetting or omitting things are the difficulties that you will face during the synthesis and the more the better: its main purpose it to “fill in the missing spot”. If you don’t remember a word or a whole phrase, just look it up and then complete the translation of the lesson.

You’ll see that the effort/need to remember that chunk of dialogue or text is beneficial in terms of “registering” the details of the text itself in your head. I always suggest one translate line by line the text and check out for mistakes “on the fly” (but you can do a checking after having translated the whole text if you feel that it’s a better way to proceed): in case you do make a mistake, just correct yourself and next time you’ll be likely to avoid it. As far as the other question is concerned: I used (and still use) my method on newspaper articles (I found a great site in this regard), and I take notes when I watch dvds or TV (VERY effective!) Take care and thanks for the nice words Luca.-= Luca Lampariello´s last blog. Hi Luca, Thanks for your videos on youtube and your website. I only discovered you, so to speak, this evening and thought I must write to thank you and to ask you a couple of things. Your recommendations on how to study a language are very similar to what I’m currently doing with French.

At the moment with Assimil I’m doing the daily lesson, writing the French out by hand, shadowing and or reading the preceeding 5-6 lessons, typing in French the lesson from two weeks previously and using the French to re-type in English three weeks later. This means today I completed lesson 45, reviewed 38-44, typed in French 31 and translated 10 from French to English. Next week I will commence translating the English back to French. This all takes me around one hour. As you can see it is the same as what you recommend but drawn out over a longer period.

I decided to do it this way to help improve my retention. I will begin to see whether my method is successful next week when I begin translating back into French. Would you recommend that I continue the way I’m going or do the translating backwards and forwards immediately? I am using FSI French Basic and I’ve completed 4 lessons.

I am finding it very good for retention because of repetition. Should I stop using the FSI or continue using it when I have the time? One final thing, I read recently that it could be a good idea to use one foreign language to learn another. By doing this you are practicing one while learning another. I speak a little bit of Italian but it is quite rusty so I have ordered Assimil’s ‘Il Francese Senza Sforzo’ and ‘Perfezionamento del Francese’ for later.

Do you thing this is a good idea or not? Have you done this yourself? Thanks for your time and keep up the good work. Vielen Dank, merci e mille grazie.

Tu (d’accordo?) sei un personaggio molto interessante e mi piacerebbe visitarti a Roma. Devo fare un po’ di pratica con mio italiano! Dear Roger, if I understood your message properly, you are a English native speaker (that is, English is your L1, mother tongue) who is learning French (L2). Let’s suppose that I myself am a native English speaker in the process of learning French. I would do the following: Day X: read dialogue 4 (let’s suppose that you are currently dealing the fourth lesson) in French (L2) by confronting it with the English version.

Read and listen, highlight, try to UNDERSTAND everything. In the same day, you’ll review lesson 2 and 3 Day X+1: read dialogue 4 again and listen to it again. Read lesson 5 (you don’t need to study a new lesson every day, if you feel like you are going too fast, stop and review the preceding lesson) and rievew dialogue 2 and the 2 Day x+2: write down lesson 4 (handwriting or on a.doc file) in ENGLISH (not in French!): you have to look at the French text and write down the corresponding version in your L1. The goal here is to NOTICE and UNDERSTAND. If you translate a whole text from one language into the other (and there is no reason why you shouldn’t succeed, given that you have both texts at your disposal), it should be adamant that you have understood the whole text. By doing so, you will notice quite a few things that eluded you when simply approaching the text by simple reading and listening From this point you can keep listening to the text of lesson 4 (as well as the preeding lessons)as much as you can.

Just stop doing that (that is, stop reviewing the lesson) and wait for 4-5 more days before moving on the SYNTHESIS. I suggest you not wait for 3 weeks until you retranslate it BACK INTO FRENCH.

The technique DOES NOT IMPLY ACTIVE MEMORIZATION of a text. That is the secret! The goal of the technique is to show you the bricks and how to put them together.

If you don’t remember a word, it doesn’t matter, the most important thing is that you are learning a language ACTIVELY, figuring out its fabric (how the “bricks” (words) are put together) You wrote: At the moment with Assimil I’m doing the daily lesson, writing the French out by hand, shadowing and or reading the preceeding 5-6 lessons, typing in French the lesson from two weeks previously and using the French to re-type in English three weeks later. This means today I completed lesson 45, reviewed 38-44, typed in French 31 and translated 10 from French to English. Next week I will commence translating the English back to French.

This all takes me around one hour. Yeah, the technique implies multiple operations performed every day. I suggest you make the schedule a little shorter though (10-14 days instead of 3 weeks should be the time span between the first reading of a text and its synthesis) >As you can see it is the same as what you recommend but drawn out over a longer period. I decided to do it this way to help improve my retention.

I will begin to see whether my method is successful next week when I begin translating back into French. Would you recommend that I continue the way I’m going or do the translating backwards and forwards immediately? >I am using FSI French Basic and I’ve completed 4 lessons. I am finding it very good for retention because of repetition. Should I stop using the FSI or continue using it when I have the time? I don’t know the FSI, but if you like it, go for it:-) Start using just ONE language course at the very beginning. You can always integrate it with other materials later >One final thing, I read recently that it could be a good idea to use one foreign language to learn another.

By doing this you are practicing one while learning another. I speak a little bit of Italian but it is quite rusty so I have ordered Assimil’s ‘Il Francese Senza Sforzo’ and ‘Perfezionamento del Francese’ for later. Do you thing this is a good idea or not? Have you done this yourself? It is an excellent idea, provived that you speak the other language rather well. Otherwise, I suggest you stick to your mother tongue (L1) to help yourself learng a L2 Hope this helps:-) If you have any other question, feel free to ask them directly on my blog: Luca. Hi Luca, I’ve really been inspired by your videos.

I’m 50 and living in Montreal, Quebec as you may know is a French province in Canada. I’m embarrassed to say that I am not bilingual. I’ve lived and worked in the “english ghetto” so I have been lazy with learning french. But I am getting more pressure at work and I truly desire to learn but all the courses I’ve taken have gone in one ear and out the other because I have been very shy to speak. I’m afraid of making mistakes and sounding stupid.

I believe in your method because I always found if I wrote things down I retained the information better. Now I need your advice: you have mentioned Assimil and Teach Yourself. Which one do you recommend I start with? I already have a basic vocabulary but I have to learn how to form proper sentences and increase my vocabulary and build my confidence. I have plenty of opportunity to practiceshame on me! When I first saw one of your videos I thought you were American! It was only when I read more that I discovered you were Italian!

I felt if you can learn 9+ languages I can at least learn French!!! What you said about grammar is trueit just scares people (like me). I look forward to your advice and thank you for sharing your knowledge with all of us. My name’s Tomek. I come from Poland and I’m really impressed with what you’ve been doing. Because about a month ago I put your method into my studying of German and Spanish I would like to ask you some questions: 1 Do you study several languages at the same time? 2 Do you always study a new language using your mother tongue or you also use other languages?

3 When you study a new dialogue do you do some additional translation, I mean literal one? 4 Do you study just a whole dialogue or maybe you also study sentences to have a better understanding and maybe first of all to make a language more flexible? 5 What do you do if you finish a dialogue faster than 6 or 7 days for example in 3 days?

Do you go to a new dialogue or you keep repeating the one that you’ve learnt? 6 What do you think about rewriting a dialogue of a target language before doing some translations? I think it’s quite useful if we don’t know a given language at all. But maybe I’m wrong? 7 What do you do not to mix several languages together? 8 When you do a translation and it’s quite good but still not perfect, I mean there are few words that you translate or write in a wrong way, what do you do? Do you keep rewriting only the words you’ve got problems with or you keep doing translations?

9 Do you listen to the same dialogues later, I mean as additional exercises to the schedule that you’ve presented? For example after 2 months, 4 months, etc. Hi Catherine, Hoping you can help. I have been reading through your site and also Luca’s and I just cannot seem to “understand” exactly how the translation thing works, when you go back and forth. Is it possible to give a tangible example – perhaps explaining step by step.

I get that it involves taking a phrase/sentence – but what happens exactly afterwards? Do I learn the sentences’s translation in English first and then test myself afterwards by writing this back in German(my L2).

I must be seriously impaired intellectually because I just cannot seem to understand exactly what to do. Many thanks Carters.