Contemporary Political Ideologies Sargent Pdf Creator

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Contemporary Political Ideologies Sargent Pdf Creator

Contents • • • • • Life and work [ ] Parker quit school at the age of fourteen and never entered formal studies. In the early 1950s he used to 'soap-box' at in London's Hyde Park, normally just opening the Sunday afternoon meetings of the then. He summarized his career as follows: '[He] has worked his way through the (1944-1946), the (1946-1947), and virtually all the different varieties of (1947-1982), to emerge as his own man, the penny of conscious egoism having finally dropped.' In 1993 Parker looked back on his career by comparing his first editorial (1963) with a last statement (1993) on his position. In 1963, having arrived at, he had written: 'If anarchism is not individualist, then it becomes hodge-podge, half-way house between socialist and democratic myths and the impulse to individual sovereignty.' The name of his journal, Minus One, was derived from his statement: 'Individualist anarchists are people who do not want to be just 'a plus one in the statistical millions.'

' Slowly he emancipated himself from 'the closed world of anarchists'. The 'emotional capital' he had invested in anarchism was such 'that I did not finally renounce my adherence to it until almost twenty years later [around 1983].' The anarchism he had finally abandoned was 'a creed of social transformation aiming at the ending of all domination and exploitation of man by man', with the 'central tenet': 'Dominating People Is Wrong'. After Parker had changed from individualist anarchist to conscious egoist, and as such, he 'can see no reason why I should not dominate others [.] Egoism leaves any way open to me for which I am empowered.'

Contemporary Political Ideologies Sargent Pdf Creator

Parker closed these final statements with a quotation, not by, but. Parker worked from 1961 to 1994 for.

Editor and Author [ ] Parker founded and edited a journal that appeared subsequently under three resp. Four different titles: • Minus One • from September 1963 (No. 1) to [autumn] 1980 (No. 44), average 10 pp, irregular intervals • EGO (incorporating Minus One); subtitle: An Individualist Review • from 1982 (No. 1) to 1993 (No.

4 to 12 titled The Egoist), average 10 pp • No. 16/17 (1994) was a commemorative issue, celebrating the 150th anniversary of 's. Parker noted on p. 20: 'From the next issue Ego will be incorporated into which is edited and published.

Lyman Tower Sargent (1969) Contemporary Political Ideologies: A Comparative Analysis. Homewood, Illinois: Dorsey Press, 1969. 14th edition (2009) Belmont, California: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning. Lyman Tower Sargent and Thomas A. Zant (1970) Techniques of Political Analysis: An Introduction. Belmont, California:.

However, I intend to issue occasional 'viewsletters', usually consisting of one or two A4 sized pages.' Two of these issues appeared under the title En Marge: No.1 (August 1995), No.2 (September 1996). Contributions to these journals were made by Parker himself and the following authors:,,,,,,,,,,,, a.o. Reception [ ] One early reaction to Parker's ideas was that of, who later became one of the world's foremost scholars on utopian studies. He contributed to Parker's journal Minus One. In the first edition of his book Contemporary political Ideologies (1969) he presented Parker as 'one of the very few living theorists' of. In later revised editions Parker is no longer mentioned.

External links [ ] • • • Sidney Parker:. In: Free Life. The Journal of the Libertarian Alliance, Vol. 2, N° 2, Spring 1981 (Parker explains his conversion from communist anarchism to Egoist individualist anarchism) • • Sidney Parker: • • • Sidney Parker: (Review of John Carroll's Selections of Stirner's The Ego.) • David Botsford: on (1991) Notes [ ]. • Notice about contributors in EGO, Nos.

16-17 (1994), p.2 • Notice by Parker in Minus One, No. 39 (1977), p. 6 • Notice about contributors in EGO, Nos.

16-17 (1994), p.2 • S. Parker: [statements without title]. In: Ego, number 15, 1993, pp.5–8 • Lyman Tower Sargent: Right Wing Individualism in the United States. A series of seven articles in Minus One, nos.

11 to 16, and 20 (1965–1967). • Lyman Tower Sargent: Contemporary political Ideologies, The Dorsey Press, Homewood IL (USA) 1969.

“Supplement your older students’ study of politics with these readings. Great for practice [in] identifying worldview, underlying assumptions, and logical fallacies.” – Leigh Bortins, author of The Core: Teaching Your Child the Foundations of Classical Education (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), from her blog, 16 June 2010 first posted 17 April 2010; last revised 5 July 2011 Fifty Contemporary Political Ideologies by Mark Satin I thought you’d enjoy seeing my list of the 50 most significant modern and contemporary political ideologies. Students and teachers may find it especially valuable (it worked well in classes I guest-taught for Prof. Americ Azevedo in the Peace and Conflict Studies Department at UC-Berkeley over the 2009-11 academic years. I stated that my lectures were about 'life and political ideologies'...

A broader topic even than what this page encompasses!). Along with each ideology below, I’ve suggested three readings. Most are by co-creators or advocates of the ideology at issue (please remember this!), and nearly all were written in our 21st century.

All are freely available on the Web -- just click on the blue titles below. Needless to say, no reading is – or can be – perfectly representative of a political ideology, which is typically the construction of a myriad of scholars and activists and is anyway never finally set in stone; hopefully, each reading here will prompt you to dig deeper in the literature.

I constructed this list, aka my “global ideology map,” out of my experiences as an activist and political journalist. (Over the years I have engaged with exponents of nearly every ideology below, and have made substantial contributions to three ideologies: radical centrism, through my book Radical Middle, Basic Books, 2004; transformationalism, through my book New Age Politics, Dell Publishing Co., 1979; and deep-green ecologism, as designated co-drafter – with Charlene Spretnak – of the original version of the U.S.

Green Party’s foundational statement, “Ten Key Values.”) Feel free to use this list in any way you like. I am using it as the basis for a book I’m writing (on the disintegration of modern and contemporary political ideologies and the future of social change), so please, if you do make use of this list, give me credit or cite or link to this Web page. Thanks in advance, and enjoy! Please feel free to suggest arguably more significant ideologies to me, or to recommend arguably more pertinent readings. I can be reached at msatin (at) mindspring (dot) com. Also in this series: • • • PREFACE A. Why Ideology?: Slavoj Zizek, “,” New York Times, 9 Nov.

Why Political Theory?: Fred Dallmayr, “Political Theory and Civilizational Dialogue,” Chap. 3-6] in Dallmayr & Abbas Manoochehri, eds.,, 2007 C. Human Nature, I (quasi-tragic vision): Steven Pinker interviewed by John Brockman, “,” Edge Foundation website, 9 Sept. Human Nature, II (blue-sky vision): Dacher Keltner, ',' Altruists International website, 29 Sept. 2006 INTRODUCTION A. Understanding Ideology: Manfred Steger, “,” pp.

1-5 in Steger, The Rise of the Global Imaginary, 2008 [after you click on this link, you’ll need to type “Social Imaginaries” into the search box] B. Creating Ideology, I (bottom-up): Lawrence Goodwyn, “,” pp. 20-35 in Goodwyn, The Populist Moment, 1978 C. Creating Ideology, II (young turks): Todd Gitlin, “” pp. 171-88 in Gitlin, The Sixties, rev.

1993 [after you click on this link, you’ll need to type “Name the System” into the search box] D. Creating Ideology, III (top-down): Cheng Chen, “,” conference paper, American Political Science Association, Aug.

2009 [after you click on this link, you’ll need to click on the box marked 'One-Click Download' and then on the box marked “Chicago Booth”] I. Left Anarchism (communalist polity): Murray Bookchin, “,” Harbinger, 1 Sep.

2002 [now concluding chapter in Bookchin, Social Ecology and Communalism, 2007] 1. Left Anarchism (participatory economy): Michael Albert & Chris Spannos, “,” ZNet website, 27 Apr.

Left Anarchism (oppositional worldview): Ward Churchill, “,” KERSPLEBEDEB website, c. Anarcho-Primitivism (emphasis on psychology): Chellis Glendinning, “,” in Theodore Roszak et al., eds., Ecopsychology, 1995 2. Anarcho-Primitivism (emphasis on anthropology): John Zerzan interviewed by G Sampath, “,” Daily News and Analysis website (Mumbai), 20 Dec. Anarcho-Primitivism (emphasis on lived experience): Derrick Jensen, pp. Ix-xii & 1-23 in Jensen,, 2006 II.

CAPITALISM Capitalism in General (anatomy): William Baumol et al., “Capitalism: The Different Types,” Chap. 60-93, pdf pp. 72-105] in Baumol et al.,, 2007 Capitalism in General (spirit): Jim Collins, “,” Fast Company, Oct. 2001 [adapted from Collins, Good to Great, 2001] Capitalism in General (justification by a liberal Nobel laureate): Edmund Phelps, “,” Project Syndicate website (Czech Republic), 1 Dec. 2008 Minimally Regulated Capitalism: see especially X. LIBERTARIANISM below Moderately Regulated Capitalism: see especially III. CONSERVATISM below Highly Regulated Capitalism: see especially IX.

LIBERALISM below 3. State Capitalism (three enthusiastic cheers): reader comments #2, 3, 7, 13, 15, 19, 27, 32, 34, 40, and 42 under the caption “,” Harvard Business School Working Knowledge website, 2 May 2008 3. State Capitalism (two informed cheers): Mark Beeson, “,” Asian Perspective, vol. State Capitalism (one grudging cheer): Ian Bremmer, “,” orig. Foreign Affairs, May 2009 4. Creative Capitalism (aspirational): Tachi Kiuchi & Bill Shireman, pp. V-xi & 1-13 in Kiuchi & Shireman,, 2002; Bill Gates, “,” speech at the World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland, 24 Jan.

2008; and Muhammad Yunus, ',' speech at Commonwealth Institute, London, 11 Mar. Creative Capitalism (running a company): John Mackey, “,” Whole Earth Market CEO’s Blog, 9 Nov. 2006, pdf version [now Chap. 4 in Michael Strong, ed., Be the Solution, 2009] 4. Creative Capitalism (husbanding natural resources): Amory Lovins, Hunter Lovins & Paul Hawken, “,” Harvard Business Review, May 1999 [adapted from same authors, Natural Capitalism, 1999] III. CONSERVATISM 5. Free-Market Conservatism (economic aspect): Guy Sorman, “,” City Journal, Summer 2008 5.

Free-Market Conservatism (cultural aspect): Steven Malanga, “,” City Journal, Summer 2009 5. Free Market Conservatism (visionary aspect): Peter Huber, “,” Forbes, 25 Feb. 2008 [exuberant]; or Matt Ridley, “,” Guardian (Britain), 3 Apr.

La Cimbali S39 Barsystem Manual Meat. 2003 [more measured] 6. Traditionalist Conservatism (social issues): Amy Wax, “,” Policy Review, Jan.

Traditionalist Conservatism (foreign policy issues): Bill Kauffman, “Introduction: I'll Just Stay Here,” pp. 1-10 in Kauffman,, 2008 6. Traditionalist Conservatism (existential issues): Rod Dreher, pp.

1-26 in, 2006 [some pages are missing from the linked text, but that’s OK] 7. Neoconservatism (sunny side): Irving Kristol, “,” Weekly Standard, 25 Aug. Neoconservatism (combative side): Norman Podhoretz, “,” Commentary, Jun. Neoconservatism (second generation): Charles Krauthammer, “,” Weekly Standard, 19 Oct. Progressive Conservatism (economic issues): Reihan Salam & Ross Douthat, “,” Weekly Standard, 14 Nov. Progressive Conservatism (social issues): Theodore Olson, “,” Newsweek, 9 Jan.

Progressive Conservatism (Britain): Phillip Blond. “,” Prospect (Britain), 28 Feb. Guided Democracy (view from Singapore's founding prime minister): Lee Kuan Yew interviewed by Fareed Zakaria, “,” Lee Kuan Yew website, orig. Foreign Affairs, Mar. Guided Democracy (views from various ruling-party members): Lee Hsien Loong,, Singapore, 25 Jan.

2010; Michael Teo, “,” Guardian (Britain), 15 Jul. 2008, and Xu Kaixian, ',' People's Action Party website (Singapore), Jul. Guided Democracy (views from the West): Mike Royko, ',' orig. New York Daily News, 30 Mar.

1994; and Sholto Byrnes, “,” Guardian (Britain), 17 Jul. DECENTRALISM 10. Creative Federalism (Federalist Society perspective): John McGinnis, “,” Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, Winter 2008 10.

Creative Federalism (esp. India): Rajeev Bhargava, ',' openDemocracy website, 3 Nov.

Creative Federalism (esp. Canada & Europe): Will Kymlicka, “,” European Centre for Minority Issues paper, 2002 11. Localism (political theory): David Hess, pp.

1-11 [pdf pp. 3-13] in “” and Hess, pp. 50-65 [pdf pp.

30-45] in Chap. 1, “,” in Hess, Localist Movements in a Global Economy, 2009 11.

Localism (economic theory): Michael Shuman, “,” speech at the annual meeting of the Community Land Trust of the Southern Berkshires, Great Barrington MA, 18 Jan. 2002 [summarizing Shuman, Going Local, 2000, and same author, The Small-Mart Revolution, 2006] 11.

Localism (the human dimension): Bill Kauffman, Part I & Conclusion in Kauffman, “,” Crooked Lake Review, May 1991 [now Chap. 1 in Kauffman, Dispatches from the Muckdog Gazette, 2002] 12. Deep Decentralism (hope from Bangladesh): Bill McKibben, “,” Mother Jones, May 2001 12. Deep Decentralism (hope from Oaxaca): Gustavo Esteva interviewed by Nic Paget-Clarke, ',' In Motion, 8 Apr. 2006 [see esp.

Parts 1 & 3] 12. Deep Decentralism (hope from Vermont): Kirkpatrick Sale, “,” Middlebury Institute paper, Nov. ECOLOGISM 13. Bright-Green Ecologism (exuberant): Ross Robertson, “,” EnlightenNext, Oct.

Bright-Green Ecologism (candid): Mark Horowitz, “,” Wired, 25 Sep. 2007 [for context]; and Ted Nordhaus & Michael Shellenberger, “,” Foreign Policy, 13 Jan. Bright-Green Ecologism (wrenching): Stewart Brand, “,” Edge Foundation website, 20 Aug.

Deep-Green Ecologism (stress on eco-politics): Vandana Shiva, “,” pp. 1-11 in Shiva, Earth Democracy, 2006 14. Deep-Green Ecologism (stress on eco-economics): Bill McKibben, “,” Mother Jones, Mar. 2007 [adapted from McKibben, Deep Economy, 2007] 14. Deep-Green Ecologism (stress on eco-values): Fritjof Capra & Hazel Henderson, “,” Institute of Chartered Accountants booklet (Britain), Oct. (NEO)FASCISM & IDEOLOGIES OF COPING AND EMBATTLEMENT 15a.

Racialism / White Nationalism (polite): Samuel Francis, “,” Occidental Quarterly, Fall 2005 15a. Racialism / White Nationalism (not so polite): Jared Taylor, “,” American Renaissance, May 1999 [now lead essay in George McDaniel, ed., A Race Against Time, 2001] 15b. Racialism / Black Nationalism (polite): Randall Robinson, “,” Chap. 1 in Robinson, Quitting America: The Departure of a Black Man from His Native Land, 2004 15b.

Racialism / Black Nationalism (blunt): Malik Shabazz interviewed by Ashahed Muhammad, “,' Truth Establishment Institute website, c. Neopatrimonialism (quasi-defense by academics): Anne Pitcher et al., boxes #1-2 & 17-22 in same authors, “,” orig. African Studies Review, Apr. Neopatrimonialism (quasi-defense by aid workers): Tim Kelsall & David Booth, pp. 1-11 & 26-27 [pdf pp. 3-13 & 28-29] in same authors, “,” Overseas Development Institute paper (Britain), Jul. Neopatrimonialism (spirited defense by beneficiary): Adam Bellow, “,” Atlantic, July 2003 17.

Survivalism (young people in Philly): Elijah Anderson, “,” Atlantic, May 1994 [adapted from what eventually became Anderson, Code of the Street, 1999] 17. Survivalism (adults in Chicago): Sudhir Venkatesh, pp. Ix-xix and 1-20 in Venkatesh,, 2006 [n.b.: some pages are missing] 17. Survivalism (favela-dwellers in Rio de Janeiro): Jon Lee Anderson, “,” orig.

New Yorker, 5 Oct. Conspiracism (left attacks right): David Ray Griffin, “,” speech at Boston University, 11 Apr.

2009 [n.b.: this is a video webcast. If you’d prefer a written version, see Griffin, “,” Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth website, 15 May 2009] 18. Conspiracism (right attacks left): Timothy Ball interviewed by Bill Steigerwald, “,” Human Events, 14 Feb. Conspiracism (left attacks left): Michael Barker, “,” Swans Commentary website, 30 Jun. Liberal Feminism (equity-focused): Camille Paglia, “,” Arion magazine, Spring 2008 19. Liberal Feminism (care-focused): Rosemarie Tong & Nancy Williams, sections 2.1 and 2.2 in Tong & Williams, “,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy website, 4 May 2009 19.

Liberal Feminism (partnership-focused): Cathy Young, “,” Salon website, 26 Jan. 2000 [adapted from Young, Ceasefire!, 1999] 20. Socialist Feminism (economic): Ariel Levy, “,” New Yorker, 16 Nov. Socialist Feminism (trans-economic): Susan Faludi, “,” pp. Ix-xvi in Faludi, Backlash, 2006 ed.

[n.b.: the two least significant pages are missing] 20. Socialist Feminism (postcolonial): Chandra Talpede Mohanty, “,” Signs, Winter 2003 21a. Radical Feminism / Visionary (emphasis on oppression): Catharine MacKinnon interviewed by Catherine Albertini & Emily Blake, “,” Sisyphe (France), 21 Sep. Radical Feminism / Visionary (emphasis on possibilities): Riane Eisler, “,” Tikkun, Nov. Radical Feminism / Ecofeminist (overview): Laura Hobgood-Oster, “,” University of Florida faculty website, 8 Aug.

2002 [now in Bron Taylor, ed., Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature, 2005] 21b. Radical Feminism / Ecofeminist (people’s-eye view): Starhawk, “,” Starhawk's Home Page website, Nov. 2007 [adapted & updated from Starhawk, The Fifth Sacred Thing, 1993] 22. Third-Wave Feminism (emphasis on family): Rebecca Walker, “,” Daily Mail (London), 23 May 2008 22. Third-Wave Feminism (emphasis on complexity): Jennifer Baumgardner, “,” Abortion Conversation Project website, 2005 22. Third-Wave Feminism (emphasis on integrity): Wendy Shalit, pp.

Xv-xxv & 3-20 in Shalit,, 2008, orig. Girls Gone Mild, 2007 [n.b.: some pages are missing] VIII. GLOBALISM 23. Market Globalism (top-down approach): Samuel Palmisano, “,” Foreign Affairs, May 2006 23. Market Globalism (bottom-up approach): C.K. Prahalad & Stuart Hart, “,” strategy+business, first quarter 2002 [anticipating Prahalad, The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, 2006]; and Hernando de Soto, “,” Finance & Development, Mar.

2001 [adapted from Chap. 3 of de Soto, The Mystery of Capital, 2001] 23.

Market Globalism (investment-climate approach): Martin Wolf, “,” United Nations General Assembly address, 31 Aug. 2004 [summarizing Wolf, Why Globalization Works, 2004] 24.

Cosmopolitan Globalism (world-order emphasis): Gareth Evans, “,” pp. 1-7 in Evans, The Responsibility to Protect, 2008 24. Cosmopolitan Globalism (anti-poverty emphasis): Jeffrey Sachs, “,” Foreign Affairs, Mar. 2005 [adapted from Sachs, The End of Poverty, 2005]; and William Easterly, “,” Washington Post Book World, 13 Mar. Cosmopolitan Globalism (networking emphasis): Anne-Marie Slaughter, “,” orig. Foreign Affairs, Jan.

Justice Globalism (critique of present): Kevin Danaher interview, “,” orig., 14 Apr. 2000; and Larissa MacFarquhar, “,” New Yorker, 8 Dec. 2008 [now on Klein's own website,] 25. Justice Globalism (ideas for present & future): Deborah James, “,” concluding chapter in Kevin Danaher & Roger Burbach, eds., Globalize This!, 2000; George Monbiot, “,” New Internationalist (Britain), Jan. 2002; and Naomi Klein, “,” Nation, 11 Nov.

Justice Globalism (the movement): David Solnit, “,” pp. Xi-xxiv in Solnit, ed., Globalize Liberation, 2004; Tim Costello & Brendan Smith, “,” Nation, 13 Feb. 2009; and Geoffrey Pleyers, “,” openDemocracy website, 30 Jan. [Emerging ideology?]. Reinvention-of-Democracy Globalism (“conservative” slant): Daniel A. Bell, “,” in Bell, Beyond Liberal Democracy: Political Thinking for an East Asian Context, 2006 [Emerging ideology?]. Reinvention-of-Democracy Globalism (“liberal” slant): Carolyn Lukensmeyer & Lars Torres, pp.

7-15 [pdf pp. 11-19] in Lukensmeyer & Torres,,” IBM Center for the Business of Government booklet, 2006 [theory]; and America Speaks, “,” YouTube video, c. 2006 [practice] [Emerging ideology?]. Reinvention-of-Democracy Globalism (“radical” slant): Joshua Cohen & Archon Fung, “,” Swiss Journal of Political Science, Winter 2004 [theory]; and either Part I of B.C. Citizens’ Assembly, “,” YouTube video, 2005, or Parts 2-4 of Silvia Leindecker & Michael Fox, “,” YouTube video, c.

2005 [on participatory budgeting in Brazil] [Emerging ideology?]. Dialogue-of-Civilizations Globalism (from Western political theorists): Fabio Petito, “,” Chap. 3 in Michalis Michael & Fabio Petito, eds., Civilizational Dialogue and World Order,” 2009; and Fred Dallmayr, “,” speech at the Eighth Rhodes Forum, Island of Rhodes, Greece, 22 Oct. 2010 [Emerging ideology?]. Dialogue-of-Civilizations Globalism (from an Islamic politician): Mohammed Khatami, “From ‘Dialogue’ to the ‘Dialogue of Civilizations,’” pp. Xi-xiii in Fred Dallmayr & Abbas Manoochehri, eds.,, 2007 [Emerging ideology?]. Dialogue-of-Civilizations Globalism (from a Chinese historian): Tu Weiming, “,” Tu Weiming website, n.d.

[now concluding chapter in Molefi Asante et al., eds., The Global Intercultural Communication Reader, 2007] I X. LIBERALISM 26a.

Progressivism / Social Democracy (U.S.): William Galston, “,” Democracy Journal, Winter 2010 26a. Progressivism / Social Democracy (Europe): Steven Hill, “,” Chap. 1 in Hill, Europe’s Promise, 2010 26b. Progressivism / Republican Democracy (centrist-liberal version): Richard Reeves & Philip Collins, pp. 9-12 in Reeves & Collins,, Demos booklet (Britain), 2009 26b. Progressivism / Republican Democracy (left-liberal version): Stuart White, “,” in White and Daniel Leighton, eds., Building a Citizen Society: The Emerging Politics of Republican Democracy, 2008 27.

Third Way-ism (in utero): Charles Peters, “,” Washington Monthly, May 1983 27. Third Way-ism (in power): Al From et al., first 56 minutes in From et al., “,” Democratic Leadership Council website, 25 Apr. 1999 [n.b.: this is audiovisual only; alas, the transcript has been removed from the Web] 27. Third Way-ism (fully formulated): Anthony Giddens, “,” in Giddens, ed., The Global Third Way Debate, 2001; and Giddens, “,” Independent (Britain), 28 Jun.

Communitarianism (critical overview by a supporter): Daniel A. Bell, “The Politics of Community,” section 3 in Bell, “,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy website, 22 Jan. Communitarianism (public policies): Amitai Etzioni, “,” orig. In Michael Walzer, ed., Toward a Global Civil Society, 1995 [domestic issues]; and Etzioni, pp. 71-79 in Etzioni, “,” orig. Orbis, Winter 2006 [global issues] 28.

Communitarianism (contemporary concerns): Madeleine Bu nting, “Introduction,” and Michael Sandel, “We Need a Public Life with Purpose,” pp. 5-9] in Bunting et al., eds.,, Citizen Ethics Network booklet (Britain), 2010 29. Deliberationism (face-to-face): James Fishkin, “,” Boston Review, March 2006 29. Deliberationism (via Web): Beth Noveck, “,” Democracy Journal, Winter 2008 29. Deliberationism (in China): Ethan Leib, “,” Journal of Public Deliberaion, vol.

1, issue 1, 2008 X. LIBERTARIANISM 30a.

Libertarianism / Pragmatic (a celebration): Brian Doherty, “,” Cato Unbound website, 7 Mar. Libertarianism / Pragmatic (a reconceptualization): Virginia Postrel, “,” Reason, Nov. Libertarianism / Radical (domestic policy): Thomas Woods Jr., “,” Human Events, 13 Jul. Libertarianism / Radical (foreign policy): Justin Raimondo, “,”, 6 Oct. MULTICULTURALISM (expanded at many viewers' request!) 31a.

Liberationism, aka Raw Multiculturalism (polite): Martin Duberman, “,” In These Times, 9 Jul. Liberationism, aka Raw Multiculturalism (not so polite): bell hooks, “,” pp. 8-20 in hooks, Killing Rage, 1995 31a: Liberationism, aka Raw Multiculturalism (logical next step?): Peter Singer, “,” orig. 148-62 in Tom Regan & Peter Singer, eds., Animal Rights and Human Obligations, 1989 [first-generation arguments]; and Singer, “,” New York Review of Books, 15 May 2003 [second-generation arguments] 31b.

Multiculturalism / Quasi-Separatism (land!): Winona LaDuke, “,” E.F. Schumacher Society lecture, Yale University, Oct. Multiculturalism / Quasi-Separatism (reparations!): Randall Robinson, “,” in Robinson, The Debt: What America Owes to Blacks, 2000 31b. Multiculturalism / Quasi-Separatism (cultural space!): Michael Warner interviewed by Annamarie Jagose, “,” Genders website, issue #31, 2000 31c. Multiculturalism / Communal Pluralism (dialogic): Bhikhu Parekh, “,” Seminar magazine (India), Dec. 1999 [condensing portions of Parekh, Rethinking Multiculturalism, 2000] 31c. Multiculturalism / Communal Pluralism (participatory): Tariq Ramadan interviewed by Oscar Reyes.

“,” Red Pepper (Britain), 1 Sep. Multiculturalism / Communal Pluralism (hybridist): Gregory Rodriguez, “,” Atlantic Monthly, Jan. Multiculturalism / Liberal Pluralism (pragmatic): National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA), pp. 1-10 in “,” NIGA pamphlet, 2009 31d.

Multiculturalism / Liberal Pluralism (evolutionary): Andrew Sullivan, “,” New Republic, 24 Oct. Multiculturalism / Liberal Pluralism (rights-based): Will Kymlicka, “,” Boston Review, Oct.

Multicultural Universalism (emphasis on diversity as a conscious choice): David Hollinger, “,” Daedalus, Fall 2006 31e. Multicultural Universalism (emphasis on unity in diversity): Jack Donnelly, ',' Professor Jack Donnelly's University of Denver website, c. Multicultural Universalism (emphasis on diversity AS unity): Kwame Appiah, “,” New York Times Magazine, 1 Jan. 2006 [Emerging ideology?]. Political Postmodernism (an overview): Steven Besr & Douglas Kellner, “,” orig. New Political Science, Sep.

1998 [Emerging ideology?]. Political Postmodernism (a vision): bell hooks, “,” orig. 3 in hooks, Yearning, 1990 [Emerging ideology?]. Political Postmodernism (a defense): Stanley Fish, “,” The Responsive Community, Summer 2002 XII. NATIONALISM 32. Right Nationalism (emphasis on the cosmopolitan threat): Samuel Huntington, “,” orig.

National Interest, Spring 2004 [n.b.: highlighting was not in original article] 32. Right Nationalism (emphasis on traditional culture): Geert Wilders, “,” Freedom Party of The Netherlands website, 25 Sep. Right Nationalism (emphasis on sovereignty): Ivan Krastev, “,” openDemocracy website, 16 Nov. 2006 [gloss on Nikita Garadya, ed., Sovereignty, 2006, not available in English] 33. Left Nationalism (emphasis on constitutional norms & procedures): Jan-Werner Muller, “,” pp. 1-14 in Muller, Constitutional Patriotism, 2008 33.

Left Nationalism (emphasis on plurality of peoples): Kalypso Nicolaidis, “,” Foreign Affairs, Nov. Left Nationalism (emphasis on national identity construction): Munira Mirza, “,” Spiked online journal (Britain), 2 Apr. 2004 [blunt]; and David Goodhart, “,” entire essay, Guardian (Britain), 24 Feb. 2004 [anguished] XIII. Right Populism (principle): Ron Paul, “,” speech to the Virginia Tea Party Patriots convention, Richmond VA, 9 Oct.

Right Populism (passion): Sarah Palin, “,” TPM website, 3 Jul. 2009; and Glenn Beck, “,” YouTube video, orig. Fox News, 13 Feb. Right Populism (savvy): Marco Rubio,, Washington DC, 18 Feb. Left Populism (leadership view): Hugo Chavez, “,” Venezuela News, Views, and Analysis website, 17 Dec. Left Populism (grassroots view): Carlos Martinez et al., pp. 1-9 & 30-43 in Martinez et al.,, 2009; and Parts 5-7 of Silvia Leindecker & Michael Fox, “,” YouTube video, c.

2005 (on Venezuela’s communal councils) 35. Left Populism (in the U.S.): Mike Lux, “,” Open Left website, 8 Jul. 2010; and Michael Lind, “,” Salon website, 29 Nov. RELIGIO-POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES 36a. Christian Conservatism (moderate version): John DiIulio interviewed by John Prendergast, ',' Pennsylvania Gazette, Jan. 2008 [includes an excerpt from DiIulio, Godly Republic, 2007] 36a.

Christian Conservatism (militant version): Robert P. George et al., ',' First Things online, 20 Nov. Christian Progressivism (moderate version): Jim Wallis, ',' Beliefnet website, Jan. 2008 [excerpted from Wallis, The Great Awakening, 2008] 36b. Christian Progressivism (militant version): Leonardo Boff, “,” Right Livelihood Award Foundation website (Sweden), 7 Dec. 2001; and Boff, two articles from the (Brazil) – “A Cry to God for Haiti,” 29 Jan.

2010, and “Domination Cosmology in Crisis,” 30 Jan. 2009 [n.b.: to read an article on Boff’s website, you’ll first have to click on the year it was published, and then click on the title of the article] 37a. Hindu Nationalism (culture): L. Advani, “” and “,” excerpts from Advani, My Country My Life, 2008; and S.

Gurumurthy, “,” New Indian Express, 17 Jun. Hindu Nationalism (economic development): L. Advani, “,” excerpts from speech to the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India, New Delhi, 3 Jun.

Gurumurthy, “,” Seminar (India), Sep. 1998 [now pt.

19 in Christophe Jaffrelot, ed., Hindu Nationalism, 2007] 37b. Hindu Liberalism (fraught): Gurcharan Das, “,” speech at the Implementing Pluralism and Democracy Conference, Chicago, 11 Nov. Hindu Liberalism (aspirational): Balmurli Natrajan, “,” Tikkun, 14 Aug. Islamic Reformism (focus on Muslim societies): Ziuddin Sardar interviewed by Mustafa Ahmad, “,” The News (Karachi), 23 Nov.

Islamic Reformism (focus on the West): Tariq Modood, “,” Political Quarterly (Britain), vol. Islamic Radicalism (reasons): Osama bin Laden, ',' Observer (London), 24 Nov. Islamic Radicalism (passion): Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki interviewed by Al-Qaeda’s “media branch” in Yemen, “” and “,” MEMRI-TV archive, 28 May 2010 [n.b.: these are video webcasts. If YouTube removes them, try Google under “MEMRI-TV Al-Awlaki 2010”] 39a. Neo-Zionism (Gen-X): Yishai Fleisher interviewed by Sara Lehmann, “,” Jewish Press, 10 Feb. 2010; Fleisher, “,” Arutz Sheva website, 12 Jun. 2009; and Fleisher, “,” same source, 24 Oct.

Neo-Zionism (Gen-Y): Ronen Shoval interviewed by Elliot Resnick, “” Jewish Press, 17 Mar. 2010; and Steven Plaut, “,” Jewish Press, 17 Feb. Post-Zionism (Israel): Tom Segev interviewed by Suzy Hansen, “,” Salon website, 8 Dec. Post-Zionism (U.S.): Michael Lerner, “,” Tikkun, 11 Jun.

Spiritual Politics / Engaged Buddhism (Burma): Aung San Suu Kyi, “,” undelivered Sakharov Prize speech to European Parliament, Strasbourg, France, 10 July 1991 [now chap. 6 in Suu Kyi, Freedom from Fear and Other Writings, ed. Michael Aris, rev. Spiritual Politics / Engaged Buddhism (U.S.): bell hooks & Thich Nhat Hanh, “,” Shambhala Sun, Jan.

2000 [now pp. 235-50 in Jennifer Willis, ed., A Lifetime of Peace: Essential Writings by and about Thich Nhat Hanh, 2003] 40b. Spiritual Politics / Transformationalism (vision): David Korten, “,” Tikkun, 25 Feb. Spiritual Politics / Transformationalism (strategy): Michael Nagler et al., “,” “,” “,” “,” and “,” Metta Center for Nonviolence website, c. 2009; and Americ Azevedo, ',' Philosopher-at-Large weblog, 23 Apr.

SOCIALISM 41. Democratic Socialism (mainstream): Gordon Brown, “,” PoliticsHome website (Britain), 16 Jan. Democratic Socialism (oppositional): Jon Cruddas, “,” Compass website (Britain), 9 Sep. Democratic Socialism (aspirational): Tom Hayden & Dick Flacks, “,” Nation, 18 Jul. Developmental Socialism (from a World Bank dissident): Joseph Stiglitz, “,” Chap. 4 in John Dunning, ed., Making Globalization Good, 2003 42. Developmental Socialism (from a Chilean economist and a Spanish economist): Andres Velasco, “,” and Javier Santiso, “,” in Santiso, Latin America’s Political Economy of the Possible, 2006 42.

Developmental Socialism (from a Brazilian politician): Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva,, Geneva, 29 Jan. 2004 [mostly economics]; and Lula da Silva,, New York, 23 Sept. 2009 [mostly politics] 43. State Socialism (China’s way): Wang Yu, “,” Political Affairs, Jan. 2004 [official]; and Pan Wei, “,” speech at the Foreign Policy Center, London, 11 Oct. 2007 [unofficial] 43. State Socialism (Cuba’s way): Raul Castro, “,” Havana Convention Center, 1 Aug.

2009 [official]; and Roger Burbach, “,” CounterPunch, 26 Jan. 2009 [unofficial] 43. State Socialism (American aspirants): Bob Avakian, first two sub-heads in Avakian, “,” Revolution, 5 Mar.

2006 [theory]; and Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM), “Summation of Our Experiences,” pp. 5-27 & 42-49 [pdf pp.

7-18 & 26-29] in STORM,, booklet, 2004 [practice] 44, Neo-Marxism (a Mexican guerrilla's synthesis): Subcomandante Marcos, “,” Le Monde Diplomatique (Paris), Sep. Neo-Marxism (a Filipino analyst-activist's synthesis): Walden Bello, “,” speech at the Conference on the Global Crisis, Berlin, 20 Mar. Neo-Marxism (an American analyst-activist's synthesis): Michael Hardt interviewed by Caleb Smith & Enrico Minardi, “,” Minnesota Review, issue nos.

61-62, 2004 45. Neo-Georgism (reformist scenario): Alanna Hartzok, “,” E.F. Schumacher Society lecture, Amherst MA, Oct. Neo-Georgism (deep-reformist scenario): Peter Barnes, “,” E.F. Schumacher Society lecture, Stockbridge MA, Oct.

Neo-Georgism (revolutionary scenario): Michael Hardt, “,” ZNet website, 6 Jul. Neo-Confucianism (a Sinologist’s view): Daniel A. Bell, “,” Dissent, Spring 2007 46.

Neo-Confucianism (a Chinese professor’s view): Wang Rui-Chang, “,” Inside-Out China website, 8 Apr. Neo-Confucianism (the leading exponent’s view): Xujun Eberlein on Jiang Qing, “,” China Beat website, 3 Jun. INTEGRATIVE IDEOLOGIES 47. Radical Centrism (vital-centrist stance): John Avlon, pp.

1-21 in Avlon,, 2005 edition, orig. Radical Centrism (post-partisan stance): Ted Halstead & Michael Lind, “,” pp. 1-29 in Halstead & Lind, The Radical Center, 2001 [after you click on this link, you’ll need to type “Digital Disjuncture” into the search box] 47.

Radical Centrism (transpartisan stance): Lawrence Chickering & James Turner, pp. 1-5 and 147-53 in Chickering & Turner,, 2008; and Michael Ostrolenk interviewed by David Schimke, “,” Utne Reader, Sep. African Renaissance (from an African political leader): Thabo Mbeke, ',' speech at United Nations University, Tokyo, 9 Apr. African Renaissance (from an African professor & mediator): Washington Okumu, “,” pp.

1-21 in Okumu, The African Renaissance, 2002 48. African Renaissance (from an African minister): Desmond Tutu on the concept of ubuntu, pp. 24-27 in Tutu,, 2004 49. Personalism (emphasis on individuality): Randall Kennedy, “,” Atlantic Monthly, May 1997; and Adam Lent, “The Ethical Is Political,” pp. 57-59 [pdf pp.

58-60] in Madeline Bunting et al., eds.,, Citizen Ethics Network booklet (Britain), 2010 49. Personalism (emphasis on individual dignity): Robert Fuller, pp. 1-24 in Fuller,, 2004 49. Personalism (emphasis on individual awareness & compassion): Martha Nussbaum, “,” commencement address at Georgetown University, Washington DC, 16 May 2003 50. Evolutionism (developmental psychology): Don Beck, “,” Center for Human Emergence website, Oct. 2000; and Jeremy Rifkin in conversation with Allan Gregg, ',' Ontario public television (Canada), 22 Jun.

2010 [summarizing evolutionary perspective in Rifkin, The Empathic Civilization, 2009. N.b.: This is audiovisual only] 50.

Evolutionism (sociology): Paul Ray & Sherry Anderson, “” and “,” excerpts from Ray & Anderson, The Cultural Creatives, 2000; and Ronald Inglehart & Christian Welzel, “,” orig. Foreign Affairs, Mar. Evolutionism (integral philosophy): Ken Wilber, “,” Integral World website, 1999 [now part of Chap. 5 in Wilber, A Theory of Everything, 2000]; and Steve McIntosh, “,” Tikkun, 10 Jun. 2009 APPENDIX I. DIALOGUE ACROSS IDEOLOGIES?

Zemax Torrent Crack Mac. Dialogue?, I (within every ideology, there are the dialoguers and there are the violent): Amitai Etzioni, “,” orig. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Sep. Dialogue?, II (toward mutual understanding): Maggie Herzig & Laura Chasin, Chap. 1-4) in Herzig & Chasin,, Public Conversations Project booklet, 2006 [n.b.: text pages not aligned with pdf pages] C. Dialogue?, III (toward better-informed decisions): Joseph Stiglitz, first two-thirds of Stiglitz, “,” speech at the Carter Center, Atlanta, Ga., 8 Dec. Dialogue?, IV (toward new options): Mark Gerzon, “”,” Harvard Business School Working Knowledge website, 22 May 2006 E.

Dialogue?, V (toward consensus): Tim Hartnett, “,” adapted from Hartnett, Consensus-Oriented Decision Making, 2011 [a defense]; and Jim Rough, “,” orig. Center for Wise Democracy website, c. 2004 [a vision] APPENDIX II: BEYOND IDEOLOGY? Beyond Ideology?, I (facts): Terence Dunworth et al., “,” Urban Institute website, rev. Beyond Ideology?, II (feelings): Dominique Moisi, “,” orig. Foreign Affairs, Jan.

Beyond Ideology?, III (courage): Asha Hagi (Somalia), “,” Right Livelihood Award Foundation website (Sweden), 8 Dec. Beyond Ideology?, IV (jazz and the blues):, in Taylor, Examined Life, documentary film, 2008 [n.b.: this is audiovisual only] E. Beyond Ideology?, V (just do it): Paul Hawken, pp. 1-26 in Hawken,, 2007 APPENDIX III: UNDERSTANDING THE LIST-MAKER A. No Ideology, No Movement: Mark Satin, “,” Radical Middle online newsletter, Oct.

2007 [critique of Hawken, immediately above] B. Toward an Ideology of Compassionate Presence: Mark Satin, “,” Radical Middle online newsletter, Mar. Ideology Is Not Enough: Mark Satin et al., “,” Radical Middle online newsletter, Jan.