Cyber Twin Patch Editor Salary

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General Cyber Systems Corp was founded by musicians for musicians to bring you the Cyber Commander software for your Cyber Twin amp (original and SE). Cyber commander allows you to setup your Cyber Twin amps with a mouse click, all presets and controls are visible on one screen (no confusing pull-down menus), has a Player's Lounge Editor/Organizer and a MIDI Map Editor/Organizer for your Cyber Foot Controller.

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Cyber Twin Patch Editor Salary

This software reveals everything the Cyber Twins have to offer at your finger tips, makes setting up the Cyber Twin amps as quick as mouse point and click (yes, it's that simple and easy), freeing you to find your sound. Go ahead and unleash the power in your amp, check out Cyber Commander at: Your feedback would be greatly appreciated!!! While the Cyber amps sound great (I own a Cyber Deluxe in my collection), I think the amps are soon going to be history. That doesn't mean I don't think a product that enhances the player's experience isn't good. Interest in these amps seems to be disappearing which means some great bargains on the used front. I see them for sale used in the $450 price range quite often.

Cyber Twin Patch Editor Salary

Download Insectonator Zombie Mode Hacked All Guns In Black. My guess is that Fender won't continue with the current model much longer but rather move in a direction that incorporates Fender Fuse similar to the GDEC3 or Mustang amps. You never know, however a friend of mine who works at a large music retailer indicated he was told to expect a revision to the current Fender amp line. Some new products on the horizon with some currrent models disappearing early next year.

My guess would be the Cyber Twin will be in the discontinued group. Hey Johnny I've followed your progress for some time now with the cyber commander and I will be purchasing the program, more then likely this April when I get my tax return but just a few questions. Not the exact wording but it has been suggested the program will give the ability to use the amp to its fullest potential, allow you to do things that without the program one couldn’t do. So from a guitarists point of view, what will this program allow me to do with the CTSE that I wouldn't be able to do without it? Could you provide me with some examples? Also im not talking about ease of accessthe fact that everything is a touch away on a screen and right in front of you is great, but what does the commander allow you to do otherwise? Does it allow you to chain the effectsfor example.would it allow me to run say two FXs at the same time?.Say a delay and a phaser?

Got moved to this forum from the fuse software forum. Yep, i agree, the cyber twin's days are numbered. Pity, it is a revolutionary amp, incredibly misunderstood, undermarketed & undersold, and probably a decade ahead of its time.

It is a real 21st century amp with great tones and great musicality. I really have to congratulate the team that put this one together. The thing about the cyber twins is that there is a lot happening under the hood and it can get real confusing as to what the amp is really doing. The little data display window and whirly-twirly knobs will quickly confuse you unless you get a pad of paper and start writing down a lot of things - that is, if you know how to find it. Out of this frustation we created cyber commander, first for ourselves and studio work, then for everyone else. We spent an extraordinary amount of time getting the user interface just right to organize amp setup, effects, reverb, and the 'tweak' parameters that go with the effects, introduced drag'n'drop player's lounge and midi map editors, made it easy for any one to instantly take advantage of the cyber twin, and then tested the heck out cyber commander to make sure it absolutely bullet proof. Aside from using your pc to access the cyber twin's setup, the player's lounge editor and the midi map editor let you orgranize your player's lounge(s) and reference each player's lounge with as many midi maps as you want.

Where the midi maps become real useful is when a sequencer is used. If you don't have a sequencer then simply increment your floor board. And of course there are player's lounge SAVE/RETRIEVE and midi map SAVE/RETRIEVE, so your hard work never gets lost.

With retrieve, you can call up a midi map or player's lounge instantly, like on stage - i do that. To really find out about cyber commander, we wrote a manual, a big manual, that attempts to capture everything in writing, too much for me to duplicate here. Please get a copy from: at the bottom of the page.

Cyber Commander does a lot. Rip Slyme Good Job Rar Extractor here. I have setup 3 cybertwins and use cyber commander to 'address' each individually by assigning unique MIDI RX/TX and SYSEX 'addresses'. Multi cyber twin control is explained in the manual. At one time we planned a multi-address cyber commander, but i think that would have gone over everyone's head. Not many out there own more than one cyber twin, so we canned the project.

I personally use 3 cyber twin se's simultaneously, but that is pretty unique. Now the bad news: cyber commander cannot make the cyber twin do more than what a cyber twin is capable of doing, like run two FXs. For that, i use more than one cyber twin. What cyber commander does do is let you use the cyber twin to its maximum potential (easily) and marry your PC to the Cyber Twin. No offense, but i think our humble Cyber Commander out does the FUSE software. One negative: our graphics could use a make over, we're just not that sexy, actually, we are crappy graphics artists. But reasonably ok amateur musicians and good (i would like to think) engineers.

Cyber commander works reliably, user 'inteface' is very, very well organized, and it delivers everything we promised. Please talk to others who have used cyber commander and get their opinions, you'll see i'm telling you the truth.

Thanks, johnny. Hi after years of use of the software cyber commander CT I had to reinstall it today on a new PC because the old broke. But I discover with big regret that Cybersystem closed and no longer exists. I can not activate the new installation on the new PC, and the activation code application process should not be successful on the server. I have a copy regularly purchased (about $ 70 if I remember correctly) with authorization number, but I can not activate the software. I'm sorry if the cyber system had to close, but I now find myself in trouble and with the inability to use software that I regularly paid.

Someone has news about? Hi after years of use of the software cyber commander CT I had to reinstall it today on a new PC because the old broke.

But I discover with big regret that Cybersystem closed and no longer exists. I can not activate the new installation on the new PC, and the activation code application process should not be successful on the server. I have a copy regularly purchased (about $ 70 if I remember correctly) with authorization number, but I can not activate the software.

I'm sorry if the cyber system had to close, but I now find myself in trouble and with the inability to use software that I regularly paid. Someone has news about? Hi Raulone, did you figure out your problem with Cyber Commander? If not, you say your old computer broke. Did the hard drive die? If the old hard drive is dead and thrown away AND you don't have a previous back up of that old computer's registry you may be out of luck.

If you have access to the old hard drive or old back up of registry from that old computer, you should be able to find all the information to make the Cyber Commander CT software function on your new computer. I wonder what happened to General C and Johnny S? I and others would love to get CyberCommanderCT. I was diving in a bit deeper into programming my Cyber Twin yesterday. I don’t think I realized a few things before now (talk about late to the party!): 1- Tone Stacks: what it means and how to use, especially the BF. I though I understood I get it. 2- component combination mix and match possibilities with preAmp type, tone stack, drive circuitry 3- Noise Gate: you can’t really turn it off 4- where the compressor is in the menus 5- only recently did I understand Players Lounge verses factory presets Understanding that stuff better really helps when programming sounds.

The thing that is kinda painful is how long it takes to name a program. I see why Johnny Stecc wanted to create Cyber Commander, I really wish I had would save soooooo much time.and avoid constant spinning of that combersome encoder.the programmer can be in a position where the amp throw is optimum, as well.rather than being within arms reach of the is very inefficient to be right next to the amp when dialling in tones and FX.

One thing is for sure, Cyber Twin excels at surf sounds.another reason for Johnny Stecc to like the CT. Again, as I have been saying, the main problem is high gain.any circuitry above the first slot (ie tweed 1, 2, 3.etc) is very noisy on my CT.