Driver So Pro 617 Price

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SOPROLIFE The blue Revolution Dentistry will be changed forever SOPROLIFE will allow you to see what was once invisible to your eyes. SOPROLIFE offers you the ability to detect tooth decay at different stages of its development thus allowing you to determine the most adequate treatment. The auto fluorescence technology in SOPROLIFE will allow you to detect occlusal or interproximal decay - even in its earliest stages. SOPROLIFE allows you to differentiate healthy from infected tissue in order to excavate only the tissue which is diseased.

Price reductions for its user-configurable and full-configurable standard bus microcontroller systems have been announced by Pro-Log Corp. Designed for use as a cost-effective software development or OEM target system, has been reduced in price from $5,335 to $4,295 with one 8-in. Floppy disk drive and tension bus.

It is an effective device with three mode capturing system, which is helping me to diagnose and capture the carious lesions including early lesions with excellent magnified view. This, in turn, is quite helpful to make the best possible treatment strategies for my patients. Thanks to its “red fluorescence” which is helpful in taking right decisions about cavity depth by clearly differentiating between healthy and diseased tissues. Moreover, with the images directly seen on computer screen, both the patient motivation and cooperation has improved multifold. It’s truly become a necessary tool in my practice today!! Dr Neeraj Gugnani Professor, Pediatric Dentistry DAV (C) Dental College, YamunaNagar India.

Driver So Pro 617 Price

Ever since all times, it is one of the hardest challenges for every dentist, not only to diagnose caries, but to remove it completely, residue-free and minimal-invasive. Most of the systems that were offered in the market, like laser-based methods, elder fluorescence-cameras, CDI (Electric Current Density Imaging), caries-detector-fluids and similar, were cost-intensive, unhandy or very unspecific and did not assist the dentist adequate in his work life. With the LIFE-D.T.-System (LIFE = Light Induced Fluorescence Evaluator), that was now in the SoproLife for the first time integrated in an intraoral camera, we have a system, that is unbeatable in suppleness and handling. The different fluorescence-phenomenon of teeth and porphyrine, a precipitate of bacteria, are that obviously different (healthy = green, infected = red), that a short view is enough, to evaluate the situation. That gives us on the one hand the possibility to explain to the patient, which treatment is necessary, to recognize initial lesions that can not be seen in x-ray-pictures and beyond that to control the result of the excavation.

Driver So Pro 617 Price

As there is no time needed to get familiar with the system, it is possible to easily integrate the SoproLife into everyday’s workflow and within no time it gets an indispensable part of the treatment course. Henrik-Christian Hollay Germany.

For a number of years, I have been aiming for minimally invasive prophylactic practice when dealing both with caries and with parodontics. This requires: • early and reliable diagnosis, • good communication, to justify treatment 'before' the patient notices the symptoms, • earlier treatment, which means less extensive lesions, with a cautious approach.

I chose SOPROLIFE for its diagnostic system (LIFE-DT), which is far more powerful than the one that I had been using previously. However, it became clear very soon that its strengths can be put to many different uses and this camera has now become an essential part of my daily practice. I have re-designed the ergonomics at my workplace so that I can have it ready at any time.

What could be easier for keeping a constant watch over my treatments and over my restorative, endodontic and prosthetic work! From now on, I will be able to 'get right inside the lesion', to understand how it is developing and how it is organised, also to take the right treatment decision and to monitor my technique.

For me, this is still 'magic' after so many years of fumbling around to find a satisfactory solution. Michel BLIQUE - NANCY • • • • • • •. The blue LEDs we selected emit light at 450nm.

This wavelength excites dentine which, in reaction, sends a light signal named fluorescence. The fluorescence signal reflected is very small (low intensity) compared to the 450nm intensity sent by the blue LEDs. What is the use of diagnosis aid and treatment aid mode?

If the treatment aid mode is used for diagnosis purpose, we will obtain on screen an amplification of the red and thus get many « false alerts » due to organic deposits in the mouth of the patient. All these organic deposits generate un very light signal of red fluorescence. If the Mode II was used for the detection a caries, a complete cleaning of the mouth would be necessary to avoid these “false alerts”. The diagnosis aid mode, far less sensitive to all these organic deposits, allows to avoid these « false alerts ». Is the magnification power of SOPROLIFE higher than a microscope? Yes, SOPROLIFE can magnify the image up x 115.

Can SOPROLIFE also be used as a classical intra-oral camera? Battleship Movie In Tamil Download. Pst Merge Keygen. Yes, SOPROLIFE is the only concept in the world proposing two different visions. The Daylight mode allows the dentist to use SOPROLIFE as an intra-oral camera under white light for the communication with his patient. The image quality supplied by SOPROLIFE under white light is superior to the others intra-oral cameras. Adaptation to your dental chair, exchange of your SOPRO camera by SOPROLIFE, selection of a monitor To know how to install our fluorescence dental imaging device Can SOPROLIFE be installed on my dental chair? Yes, we supply specific connection docks to integrate SOPROLIFE in most dental units.

Is it possible to use SOPROLIFE in several examination rooms? If you work in several examination rooms, each of them can be equipped with a docking station linked to the computer or to the video screen available in this room so that you can carry and use SOPROLIFE in each of the examination rooms.

Is it possible to use SOPROLIFE on a simple video monitor or TV? Yes, SOPROLIFE can be delivered with a connection dock with Video and S-Video outputs. Can I exchange my former SOPRO camera with SOPROLIFE in a simple click?

If you already have a Sopro 595, a Sopro 617 or a Sopro 717, you can connect SOPROLIFE hand piece on your present installation without any parameter settings. SOPROLIFE requires no special preparation for your patient and is not contraindicated. Do we need to apply a special product on the teeth prior to using SOPROLIFE? Do we need to clean systematically all the teeth prior to using SOPROLIFE? No, it is useless to clean prior the first diagnostic in 'mode I' of SOPROLIFE. Cleaning with sodium bicarbonate of the suspicious fissure(s) is recommended in order to confirm the carious signal. Is the blue light from SOPROLIFE dangerous for the patient or the dentist?

No, SOPROLIFE emits no ultra-violet wave. Is SOPROLIFE advised for children and pregnant women? Yes, of course. SOPROLIFE is free from any ionizing rays and is the perfect caries diagnosis aid tool for children and pregnant women. The dental fluorescence imaging device SOPROLIFE is a real plug and play. Its tips only must be sterilized by autoclave.

Must SOPROLIFE be calibrated before use? Can we sterilize SOPROLIFE at the autoclave? SOPROLIFE must be used with intra-oral barriers supplied with the product. You can contact your dealer to purchase other dental barriers. Can we sterilize the black tips at the autoclave?

Yes, they can be sterilized at 134°C - 2 bars - 18 minutes. We nevertheless advise you to change these tips after about fifty cycles of sterilization. Get acquainted with the colors visible on the screen of your dental imaging device by fluorescence to make your dental diagnosis. What represent the white, blue, red or black areas which can been seen on the tooth? According to the pathologies of the tooth (destructured enamel, affected dentine, anfractuous fissure, presence of a crown), the signal of fluorescence of the dentine will be different (weaker, darker, redder, absent) Does SOPROLIFE generates « False alerts »? When SOPROLIFE generates a red fluorescence in a fissure, it is either due to a caries or to organic deposits.

In this case a cleaning (pounce bag, air abrasion linked to Na bicarbonate ) is advised only in the suspicious fissure in order to avoid a falser alert. Why is the tooth green on the screen? The spectrum of the signal of fluorescence (let’s call it 'its color') is rather in the green when the dentine is healthy and red/dark when the dentine is infected. Why is the level of intensity of the signal of fluorescence +/- high from one patient to another? The light must cross the enamel to excite the dentine. Following this excitation, the dentine send back a signal of fluorescence which must cross the enamel to be interpreted.

The thicker the enamel is, the weaker the signal of fluorescence is. The intensity of the green light will be weaker and gradually tinted with blue (because of the way through enamel).

This is the case for the cusps. Use of the tips supplied, use of the buttons and other devices To know how to manipulate your dental imaging device by fluorescence.

What is the use of the buttons I et II on SOPROLIFE hand piece? To shift from Mode I (Diagnosis) to Mode II (Treatment) but also to DAYLIGHT Mode (White light). What is the use of the black tips supplied with SOPROLIFE? The protective tip allows to isolate SOPROLIFE from any external light during its use in Fluorescence mode. It is also advised to move the light of the scialytic so that it is not directed at the patient’s mouth.

How to freeze a frame? SOPROLIFE is equipped with a SoproTouch (Sopro trademark). You just have to brush the SoproTouch once the selected image appears on screen. The image is automatically freezed on screen and saved in your software if it is configured accordingly.

If you prefer using a remote control pedal rather than the SoproTouch to freeze the image, you just have to plug the pedal (supplied as option) on the docking station (if this one is equipped with a pedal input). In this configuration, the SoproTouch is inhibited. Compatibility of your SOPROLIFE, supplied softwares.

To know all of the software part of your dental imaging device by fluorescence. Is it possible to use SOPROLIFE with a computer? Yes, because SOPROCARE can be delivered with a docking station with a USB 2.0 output. What is the recommended configuration for Windows®? Operating system: Windows 10 Processor: Intel Core i5 Memory: 4 GB Hard disk: 1TB USB Ports: 4 USB2 Hi-Speed ports Graphic card: Chipset Nvidia® or ATI® 512MB unshared memory compatible DirectX 9 or more USB Chipset: Intel or NEC / RENESAS Screen resolution: 1280 x 1024 or more What is the recommended configuration for MAC ®?

Computer: iMac 27” Operating system: Mac OS X El Capitan Processor: Intel Core i7 RAM: 4GB Is it possible to use SOPROLIFE with my current imaging software? Yes, SOPROLIFE is compatible with all imaging softwares. Is SOPROLIFE supplied with an imaging software? If you do not have any imaging software or want to use the Sopro Imaging software for its friendly-use, it is supplied with SOPROLIFE. Why is the Sopro Imaging software equipped with a module specific for SOPROLIFE? Sopro Imaging proposes, further to its standard image acquisition mode, a mode of acquisition and of consultation offering a complete dental status of the patient. This status gives also access to a very useful comparison mode during the follow-up of the patient in time as well as a direct access to the consultation of the Clinical booklet.

Is SOPROLIFE compatible with Windows 7, 8 and 10? Our camera drivers will load and correctly function under Windows 7, 8 and 10 in both the 32 and 64 bit environments. Please be sure to direct the Microsoft Hardware Wizard to use the drivers on the CD or to use those downloaded from our website.

You may receive a warning that the driver set is unsigned but this can be safely ignored. All about the cleaning and maintenance of your SOPROLIFE. How to clean SOPROLIFE? SOPROLIFE can be cleaned with a disinfecting wipe (Type Septol from Pierre Rolland). Which cleaning products are prohibited on SOPROLIFE? No products with ammoniac, trichloroethylene, dichloroethylene, ammonium chloride, aromatic and chloride hydrocarbons, Methylene chloride, cetones, which can damage the plastic parts.

Can we sterilize the black tips at the autoclave? Yes, they can be sterilized at 134°C - 2 bars - 18 minutes. We nevertheless advise you to change these tips after about fifty cycles of sterilization.