Invalid Inconsistent License Key Solidworks Training

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141249 Outline routine works correctly (as designed) with the tetra meshes but it appears as a problem. This is due to the geometry of tetras and the arrangement of tetra elements in the mesh. Before GFEM creates an outline it needs to checked if tetra elements exist in the model and if so display 'Tetra elements in model - outline will be incorrect'. 176905 The problem part contained a single solid that would not mesh using V10.1 ph2 within the GFEM product. The solid will mesh in phase20 of V11 with default settings. More memory is required in order to get a finer mesh. 182490 This problem was reported due to the inability to create radial dimensions on specific arcs.

This problem has been tested and verified fixed in V11. 182884 The problem with incorrect dimensions being created to solid edge arcs in this part is fixed in V11.0. 183225 When alter analysis language was used to go from Nastran to GFEMfea. Then the.res file was retrieved so that the postprocessor could be entered. A tag error had been generated. This problem no longer occurs in V11.

Also DELETE POST DATA from the top menu cleans up the part file. 188945 The problem with offset surfaces converting incorrectly to IGES has been fixed in V11.0. 192178 This PR is fixed in V11. The problem was caused due to a limit of 30000 nodes in the input deck. This restriction is removed in V11. Игры Трансформеры Прайм 2 Онлайн Бесплатно more.

194947 The problem you reported regarding customer defaults for plotter pen settings not being picked up, has been fixed in Unigraphics V11. 197613 A problem with allowing features and faces that were not visible (due to hidden line removal) has been fixed in V11. The faces and features will no longer be selectable. 199307 Problem reported on sketch over constrained when create 90 degrees from original sketch has be addressed and fixed in V11.0 of Unigraphics. 205976 The Edit-Blank->Unblank All But Type option will be removed in V11. It never functioned properly and improvements to UG in V10.x and V11 make it possible to accomplish any of its purported functions.

Invalid Inconsistent License Key Solidworks Training

Between the new Unblank Selected option, using Unblank All of Type with new Class Selection filter list boxes (which allow de-selection as well) and the restored Class Selection All But Selected option, the user has far better tools at their fingertips. 321094 The problem reported was with regards to not being able to use the '#' symbol in the notes/label editor.

This is fixed and will be incorporated in one of the future releases. 321403 The manual text options for Dimension-Appended Text Entry Mode, found in the customer defaults file, have been removed for UG V11.0, because they are no longer valid options. 322999 The problem with views on a drawing being placed outside of the drawing border has been fixed in V11.0. 325573 &ARIANG is fixed in V11 to return its value in degrees ( 0 to 180 ) as per the documentation. 330202 The problem reported regarding User-defined attributes being lost when the associated object is layer-copied, has been fixed in Unigraphics version V11.0. 333234 This problem has been fixed in V11.0.

Good morning. We have been running SolidWorks 2007 for a semester and it was recently requested that COSMOS be added to the installation. After requesting and installing the COSMOS license server on our server I receive the following error when starting the service. Also LMGRD.exe CPU utilization.Missing. The problem part contained a single solid that would not mesh using V10.1 ph2 within the GFEM product. Between the new Unblank Selected option, using Unblank All of Type with new Class Selection filter list boxes (which allow de-selection as well) and the restored Class Selection All But Selected option, the user has.

346265 While trying to use Auto Quad Mesher and after the curve is selected an error was returned to dialog window. The message 'INVALID POINT FILE' was returned. This has been fixed with all UG versions above V10.3. 349584 The problem where if you type a name to Un-blank by Name the OK button was insensitive is fixed. 351347 In versions 10.3.4 through 10.3.6 on the VMS platform only, the Grip command PATRET resulted in a undesired part file being created in the user's directory. This has been fixed in V11.0.

351954 Problem Importing a part that has 'Assorted Part Dimensions' affecting the display when a fit is performed, and they do not display on the screen, but do list on layer listing has been addressed and fixed in V11.0 of Unigraphics. 353501 The problem with bad rubberband display while creating lines while work in member view in the OGLmod driver is fixed in V11.0. 354587 The problem with a dimension changing to horizontal has been fixed in V11.

355649 The list value feature of the grip debugger not displaying all 9 decimal places on arrays has been fixed for V11. The current work around is to use the print statement when debugging arrays. 355920 Problem Importing a part that has 'Assorted Part Dimensions' affecting the display when a fit is performed, and they do not display on the screen, but do list on layer listing has been addressed and fixed in V11. Change Imei Number Hack. 0 of Unigraphics. 356404 Problem with angular dimensions extension lines flipping after changing the text format has been addressed and resolved in V10.4. Offset center lines will no longer be selectable during creation of angular dimension which defines the angle between two lines. Offset center point is designed to be a point. 356827 The problem with uf5360 (create bounded plane) failing but not returning an error message has been fixed in Unigraphics V11.0.

The input had overlapping edges and generated an invalid sheet. There is a new routine in V10.4, UF_MODL_create_bplane, that will replace the uf5360 call. 363970 The problem with Arrow heads display incorrectly 363983 The problem of being unable to change the size of a face after a unite operation has been resolved in 10.4 of Unigraphics. Changing angle on dimension 366957 The problem you called in regarding attempting to create free form feature model example given in V10.3 modeling manual doesn't work has been fixed. The documentation has been changed and will take affect in the V11 manual.

367081 Thank you for reporting the problem that caused the message 'Tool solid completely inside target solid' when a block having a cavity in the center the same size as a cylinder is united with a cylinder. The problem will be fixed in a release following V10.4. 368401 UF_PART_save after note is created.

368762 DCL grip generates correct tool path for this part file now. Fixed in V11.1. 368999 The problem you reported regarding cylindrical faces being non-selectable when viewed along the axis of the hole (the edges appear as a circle), has been fixed in Unigraphics version V11.0. 369897 The problem 'No permission to access file', received when saving ANT Snapshot file to a READ-ONLY assembly, will be fixed in UG V11. However, the snapshot created remains in memory, and will be saved when the part is saved (or another snapshot is created) IF the permissions on the directory are changed. 371302 The problem of creating six new elements by transform copying the existing elements, the element properties will list as follows: NSET=2, MAT=1, TK(I,J,K,L)=0.1 and THETA=45. The element properties are correct (NSET and MAT) but the NSET properties were showing NSET1 parameters instead of NSET2.

This has been fixed in V11.0 371317 The problem you reported regarding newly-assigned character fonts not being recognized by the Notes/Label Editor, has been fixed for Unigraphics V11.0. 372034 The problem reported, selecting an object by layer in an assembly has been corrected in V11. 372865 The problem of the side view displaying incorrectly in v10.4 has been addressed and Fixed for V11 in this part file. 372888 The descriptions for the control characters for the Diameter and Spherical Diameter symbols were enhanced to clarify that the O is a capital letter.

Additionally, the description for GRIP command &DIASYM has been enhanced to include a page reference to the 'Text Control' section of the GRIP documentation. 373326 The problem reported, when adding a reference set (wireframe) to assembly file and gets an internal error. This has been fixed in V11 of Unigraphics. 374393 The problem with accessing &PNAME from 374703 Copious Data of Composite Curve isn't convert 374855 The problem you reported concerning views disappearing in a drawing has been fixed for Unigraphics V11.

374873 When a user tries to create a reference set with occurrences, they will get a grip error message in V11.0. The message will tell them that using occurrence in reference sets is invalid and on what line in the grip program the failure occurred. 375211 DCL grip generates correct tool path for this part file now. Fixed in V11.1.

376864 The problem with customer defined UAI's and FEM GRIP has been fixed in V11.0. 377423 The problem of the crosshatching being off the drawing in sh5 Has been resolved in V11 of Unigraphics. 377465 UF5444 and UF5465 have been fixed to handle the case when the input face is from a component of an assembly. This fix is in V11. 378416 The call to UF_terminate() was left off of 'ucintr.c' on purpose to ensure Custom Application Toolkit code would run properly. We have added the call to UF_terminate() and will ensure CAT programs will still execute.

378707 The problem with Assemblies users manual V10.3 has been grammatical corrected in V11 Assemblies user manual. 378959 Problem 1: All 'Z' values are negative after the path has been mirrored. CRR: It works as designed. When the path has been mirrored, the MCS will not be mirrored along with the path. In this case, the mirrored path will have negative 'Z' values. Problem 2: If p2 is chosen and pick generate, you will see one motion.

If replay is picked there is another motion shown. CRR: This problem is caused by a wrong tool axis display. This problem has been fixed in V11.0 and V10.6 project level.

This problem has been fixed for V11.0, V10.6/V11.1. 380057 Problem with Info / Distance value displayed in listing window not rounding off has been addressed and change for V11.0 of Unigraphics. Two new preferences are going to be introduced to provide control of the values displayed in the listing window. 380528 Problem with files that were able to be opened in V10.3.6 and failed in V10.4. Description and results are listed below: 380528-1 = INTERNAL ERROR - Record area asked for does not exist. Results: Fixed in V11.0 of Unigraphics. 380528-2 = An attempt was made to associate an object with another object.

Results: Fixed in V11.0 of Unigraphics 380528-3 = NULL ENTITY not allowed. Results: Part was found to be corrupt. It contains an arc without a corresponding matrix, and will generate an RM error in V9 if you attempt to regenerate the display. The system is fixed so that this part can now be loaded, but you will still get the RM error if the screen is regenerated. 380540 When a Grip program, called from Ufunc, encounters a condition that causes an internal error, it will return that error code to the Ufunc program.

The error code is equivalent to the interactive error that is displayed in Grip programs run outside of User Function. The fix for this problem will be in Unigraphics V11.

380861 User Function and GRIP selection routines will recognize component selection in the ANT in Unigraphics V11. 381412 The problem with ISTR sometimes returning values with rounding errors has been fixed in V11. 381589 A problem with MDFG when changing circular move functional group resulted in the word address disappear from the reorder menu has been fixed for V11. 381904 The problem with the model not updating correctly after editing a sketch in this part is fixed in V11.0. 382298 A problem with MDFG not outputting synchronization code with G00 has been fixed. MDFG now has a new option under synchronization codes, which provides the user an option to output the synchronization code with rapid motions.

382310 The problem whereby the user function routine uf6457 returned only silhouette objects (until an interactive function such as deleting a line was performed) has been fixed in Unigraphics V11.0. 382844 The problem with the interaction in the sketcher for entering the Fillet radius is fixed in V11.0. 383076 Converting a UG part containing two solid bodies and one sheet body, and one of the solid bodies fails to convert to step.

Code has been added in V11 to loosen the tolerances if necessary so the solids will convert. 383836 The problem with dimensions becoming disassociated when taper is applied to this part is fixed in V11.0. 383977 The problem with invisible geometry in V9 part locking up when turning on the layer has been fixed in V11.

384312 The problem you reported regarding being unable to select Blend, Chamfer, Taper, Offset, Hollow, Datum, Trim, Iset, or Free Form feature types to be used in an instance array, has been fixed in the Unigraphics V11 Documentation. It is now explicitly stated that these feature types cannot be selected for an Instance array. 384339 Error while retrieving part has been fixed for Unigraphics Version 11.0. 385722 The Grip command Crvtrm properly trims curve segments when the WCS has been moved off the absolute coordinate system in version 11.0. 385927 ASM was aborting on blended face and generating a message 'ERROR FACE'. If the face was subdivided the meshing process would hang indefinably. This has been fixed and verified in V11.0.

385982 Due to the fact that the earliest version available at this time is proto V10.4.1, I was only able to verify that the problem does not occur in V10.4.1. 386101 The problem with UF_PART_export only exporting the group object and no members has been fixed for Unigraphics V11. Groups and their members should now behave in User Function and Grip exactly as they behave in the interactive system in both part-export and create-new-component. 386204 The problem of having more that 101 accelerator keys define, but only recognizing the first 100 has been addressed and fixed for V11. 386268 The problem of getting an Internal Error when attempting to retrieve a part file is fixed for V11. 386321 The problem, where constraining a sketched arc would cause the Status Line to say the arc is over-constrained, has been fixed in V10.5.1 and V11 of Unigraphics.

Although the parts are not corrupt, Pre-V10.5.1 sketch circles will not solve and should be deleted and recreated in the fixed version. 386629 The problem reported of unable to file 'error recovery completed for the following error:' 'Out of memory in Storage Manager'. This problem has been corrected in V11. 386708 The problem you reported regarding removing components from the parts list, saving and closing the assembly, re-opening the assembly, and all the original components are back in the parts list, has been fixed in Unigraphics V11.0. 386906 The problem where using PLTSAV to plot multiple plot files was causing incorrect pen widths on the second and subsequent plots has been fixed for V11. 387163 The problem with Modeling Users Manual V10.4 using two after an expression has been corrected in V11 Modeling manual on p.

3-7, first line in the example of comments is 'invalid. 387308 This problem was reported due to the inability of UG to display the invalid geometry during solid validation.

The fix on the code has been incorporated in V11. 387859 The problem of solids not uniting upon creation has been addressed and fixed for V11. 388081 The problem using fractions with tolerance text not aligning to the main dimensional text has been fixed in V11. 388138 In V10.4, linking a grip object file when one had no write access to the grs was reported as successful. This problem has been addressed for V11 by the project known as 'GRIP GRADE File Protection Error Messages'. This project will be integrated into the early phases of V11. At that time, errors due to permission violations will be considered failed jobs in the compilation or link summary report.

In addition, error reporting will be improved for many other circumstances. 388165 The original part was meshed using tet/10's (overall element size=5, minimum=0.1). However, if you turned on aspect ratio check and/or curvature control using the default values, the mesher aborted with an internal error. This has been fixed in V11.0.

388364 The problem of retrieving a pre v10 part in version v10.x and the work layer being layer has been addressed and fixed for V10.5.2. 388493 Open part pr388493, generate tool path for p22, the process will complete and no longer hang UG. A correct tool path will be generated This problem is fixed in V10.5 Phase 9. 388507 The problem with the surfaces converting as untrimmed has been fixed in V11. 388537 The problem with mixed unit parts in an assembly not keeping orientation and origin of reference sets.

Allowance is made for mixed units assemblies when applying the reference set specific transformation in V11. 388778 Problem plotting shaded images to a Paintjet XL and Paintjet XL 300 will plot red dots with the shaded images has been addressed and fixed by adjusting the value of Red brightness for HP PaintJet for V11.0 of Unigraphics. 388848 Grip batch plot jobs that are unable to start will have more error messages to better describe the error condition in Unigraphics V11.

389062 The problem where the VECT minor word and specified vector have no effect on the direction of an intersection curve when used without limiting points has been verified. The V11 documentation will be updated to reflect this. The VECT minor word and vector were intended to only be used with limiting entities and points, so that the direction of the intersection curve is from the first limit point to the second limit point in the direction of the specified vector. This is useful for periodic surfaces such as spheres, cylinders, etc. 389337 The problem with the IGES to UG conversion hanging when converting a certain IGES file in V10.4 has been fixed in V10.5.

On a machine with 64 Mbytes of memory it will take a very long time to convert, days. On a machine with 128 Mbytes of memory it will convert in hours. 390175 The problem of exporting a CGM file and miss typing or directing the file to a non- existent directory has been fixed for V11. 390449 The problem you reported regarding taper applied to the parent feature of an instance array not updating to the child, has been fixed in Unigraphics version V11.0. 390745 The problem where uf5980 returns a zero entity id for a foreign surface retrieved from a transportable data file in V10.4 has been fixed for V11.0. 390788 The Problem of not being able to use GRIP BATCH to issue a FETCH command has been fixed. The system no longer has to resolve filenames at the time it finds the reference.

This means that in the case of a missing component, and load components off no warning or error is given. 391071 The problem: bad data was being written to the CGM file for the Char Orientation element when the VDC type is Integer. Char Orientation is used for slanted and rotated text. Fixed for V11.0.

391126 The 'UF_UI_select' routines have been modified to correctly enter and exit User Function state and thus work properly with UF_UI_cancel_dialog, etc. This fix is in V11. 391174 The problem with an internal error being generated when attempting to change the color of an occurrence of a note in GRIP has been fixed for Unigraphics V11. You will receive an appropriate GRIP error message if this is attempted in V11.

391264 This problem is with regards to an arc on the sketch gets over-contrained after an import part is performed. The problem has been verified fixed in V11. 391303 Problem with the chamfer feature using Offset and Angle will display the correct values but not in correct orientation has been addressed and fixed in V11.0 of Unigraphics. 391778 The problem where GRIP gives an error stating that entities are not co-planar when trying to create a BPLANE has been fixed for V11. 391930 V11.0 now properly reformats cr and lf characters. 391955 The problem constraining the sketcher will be implemented in Unigraphics version V10.5.1 and V11. 392175 The Documentation in V10 Approach to Building Parts 'Head Start Guide' was modified as requested to include the line 'Choose Modify Sketch' in Step 12 on page 14.

392192 The problem you reported regarding creating Bridge Curves, has been fixed in the Unigraphics version V11 Documentation. The V11 Modeling manual has been modified as requested to include the information on tangent vectors. 392211 The problem with substituting a component and specifying to Maintain Reference Set when the same set exists in the new component results in the NONE reference set being used is fixed in V11.0. 392276 The problem where running a program with the XSB display driver returned an error 11 from uf2703 when regenerating the work view has been fixed in V11.0. 392622 The problem of Unigraphics hanging when using alternate solution has been resolved in V11 of Unigraphics. 392640 The Problem with trimming to a fillet using with the expressions and editing capabilities has been submitted for V11.0 phase 1. V10.4 Current method is to extract edges and then trim to the extracted edge.

V10.5 Current method select edge and trim. 393086 UDF: reversing the vector has no effect, comes in with same orientation 393125 The problem of Unigraphics hanging when using alternate solution has been resolved in V11 of Unigraphics. 393187 PR 393187 is now fixed in one of the.

CAD tip # 5111: Question CAD% platform category The license subsystem in Autodesk products reports possible errors in the form of [X.Y.Z], where 'X' is the kind of a problem, 'Y' is 1 (standalone license) or 5 ( FlexLM license) and 'Z' is the specific error (usually a negative number). The 'Z' error codes for FlexLM are as follows: -1 Cannot find license file. -2 Invalid license file syntax. -3 No license server system for this feature. -4 Licensed number of users already reached. -5 No such feature exists.

-6 No TCP/IP port number in license file and FLEXnet Licensing service does not exist. (pre-v6 only) -7 No socket connection to license server manager service. -8 Invalid (inconsistent) license key or signature. The license key/signature and data for the feature do not match. This usually happens when a license file has been altered. -9 Invalid host. The hostid of this system does not match the hostid specified in the license file.

-10 Feature has expired. -11 Invalid date format in license file. -12 Invalid returned data from license server system. -13 No SERVER lines in license file. -14 Cannot find SERVER host name in network database. The lookup for the host name on the SERVER line in the license file failed.

This often happens when NIS or DNS or the hosts file is incorrect. Workaround: Use IP address (e.g., 123.456.789.123) instead of host name. -15 Cannot connect to license server system. The server (lmgrd) has not been started yet, or the wrong port@host or license file is being used, or the TCP/IP port or host name in the license file has been changed. -16 Cannot read data from license server system. -17 Cannot write data to license server system. -18 License server system does not support this feature.

-19 Error in select system call. -21 License file does not support this version. -22 Feature checkin failure detected at license server system. -23 License server system temporarily busy (new server connecting).

-24 Users are queued for this feature. -25 License server system does not support this version of this feature. -26 Request for more licenses than this feature supports. -29 Cannot find ethernet device. -30 Cannot read license file. -31 Feature start date is in the future.

-32 No such attribute. -33 Bad encryption handshake with vendor daemon. -34 Clock difference too large between client and license server system. -35 In the queue for this feature. -36 Feature database corrupted in vendor daemon.

-37 Duplicate selection mismatch for this feature. Obsolete with v8.0+ vendor daemon. -38 User/host on EXCLUDE list for feature. -39 User/host not on INCLUDE list for feature. -40 Cannot allocate dynamic memory. -41 Feature was never checked out.

-42 Invalid parameter. -47 Clock setting check not available in vendor daemon. -52 Vendor daemon did not respond within timeout interval. -53 Checkout request rejected by vendor-defined checkout filter. -54 No FEATURESET line in license file. -55 Incorrect FEATURESET line in license file.

-56 Cannot compute FEATURESET data from license file. -57 socket() call failed. *OS Error -59 Message checksum failure. -60 License server system message checksum failure. -61 Cannot read license file data from license server system.

-62 Network software (TCP/IP) not available. -63 You are not a license administrator.

-64 lmremove request before the minimum lmremove interval. -67 No licenses available to borrow. -68 License BORROW support not enabled. -69 FLOAT_OK can't run standalone on license server system. -71 Invalid TZ environment variable. -73 Local checkout filter rejected request.

-74 Attempt to read beyond end of license file path. -75 SYS$SETIMR call failed (VMS). -76 Internal FLEXnet Licensing error-please report to Macrovision Corporation (Acresso). -77 Bad version number must be floating-point number with no letters. -82 Invalid PACKAGE line in license file. -83 FLEXnet Licensing version of client newer than server.

-84 USER_BASED license has no specified users - see license server system log. -85 License server system doesn't support this request. -87 Checkout exceeds MAX specified in options file. -88 System clock has been set back. -89 This platform not authorized by license.

-90 Future license file format or misspelling in license file. The file was issued for a later version of FLEXnet Licensing than this program understands. -91 Encryption seeds are non-unique. -92 Feature removed during lmreread, or wrong SERVER line hostid. -93 This feature is available in a different license pool. This is a warning condition.

The server has pooled one or more INCREMENT lines into a single pool, and the request was made on an INCREMENT line that has been pooled. -94 Attempt to generate license with incompatible attributes. -95 Network connect to THIS_HOST failed. Change this_host on the SERVER line in the license file to the actual host name. -96 License server machine is down or not responding. See the system administrator about starting the server, or make sure that you're referring to the right host (see LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable). -97 The desired vendor daemon is down.

1) Check the lmgrd log file, or 2) Try lmreread. -98 This FEATURE line can't be converted to decimal format. -99 The decimal format license is typed incorrectly. -100 Cannot remove a linger license. -101 All licenses are reserved for others. The system administrator has reserved all the licenses for others. Reservations are made in the options file.

The server must be restarted for options file changes to take effect. -102 A FLEXid borrow error occurred. -103 Terminal Server remote client not allowed. -104 Cannot borrow that long.

-106 License server system out of network connections. The vendor daemon can't handle any more users. See the debug log for further information. -110 Cannot read dongle: check dongle or driver. Either the dongle is unattached, or the necessary software driver for this dongle type is not installed.

-112 Missing dongle driver. In order to read the FLEXid hostid, the correct driver must be installed.

These drivers are available from your software vendor. -114 SIGN= keyword required, but missing from license certificate. You need to obtain a SIGN= version of this license from your vendor. -115 Error in Public Key package. -116 TRL not supported for this platform. -117 BORROW failed. -118 BORROW period expired.

-119 lmdown and lmreread must be run on license server machine. -120 Cannot lmdown the server when licenses are borrowed.

-121 FLOAT_OK requires exactly one FLEXid hostid. -122 Unable to delete local borrow info.

-123 Returning a borrowed license early is not supported. Contact the vendor for further details. -124 Error returning borrowed license. -125 A PACKAGE component must be specified. -126 Composite hostid not initialized. -127 A item needed for the composite hostid is missing or invalid. -128 Error, borrowed license doesn't match any known server license.

-135 Error enabling the event log. -136 Event logging is disabled. -137 Error writing to the event log.

-139 Communications timeout. -140 Bad message command. -141 Error writing to socket. Peer has closed socket. -142 Error, cannot generate version specific license tied to a single hostid, which is composite.

-143 Version-specific signatures are not supported for uncounted licenses. -144 License template contains redudant signature specifiers. -145 Bad V71_LK signature. -146 Bad V71_SIGN signature. -147 Bad V80_LK signature.

-148 Bad V80_SIGN signature. -149 Bad V81_LK signature. -150 Bad V81_SIGN signature. -151 Bad V81_SIGN2 signature. -152 Bad V84_LK signature. -153 Bad V84_SIGN signature.

-154 Bad V84_SIGN2 signature. -155 License key required but missing from the license certificate. The application requires a license key in the license certificate. You need to obtain a license key version of this certificate from your vendor.

-500 Invalid server port number. -501 Invalid value in license where an integer was expected.

-502 Invalid value supplied for count. -503 Invalid hostid supplied in license. -504 Invalid hostid type supplied.

-505 Bad feature line syntax. -506 Internal FLEXnet Licensing error. -507 Bad date format in license file. -508 Bad SERVER line. -509 Bad license string. -510 Server's feature doesn't authenticate on client side. -511 No license checked out.

-512 License already checked out. -513 Error list returned. -514 No certicom module available. -515 Wrong or incomplete certicom module.

-516 SIGN or SIGN2 required in license certificate. -517 Feature object has no licensesources.

-518 An Identical license is already checked out on this license source. -519 This license has an asynchronously-queued checkout pending.

-521 Library for native hostid couldn't be loaded. -522 Already connected to another vendor daemon. -523 No such user, host, or display.

-524 Shutdown of license server system failed. -525 Shutdown failed - already connected to license server system. -526 Invalid license source string. -527 Log file switch error. ACAD 3dsmax Inventor * CAD 12.7.2006 156469×.