Mobilemark 2007 Battery Test Download

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Download MobileMark 2012. MobileMark 2012 measures battery life and performance simultaneously. Higher display brightness than MobileMark® 2007.

Mobilemark 2007 Battery Test Download

Imagine if automakers got together and started measuring the gas mileage of new cars with a cool test of their own making—one in which the cars were rolling downhill with their engines idling. Suddenly you'd have some pretty amazing claims: Why, that three-ton SUV gets 300 miles per gallon! This subcompact gets 500! In tiny print at the bottom of the window sticker you'd find a disclaimer saying that, well, um, you know, your mileage may vary. Crazy, right? Yet that's more or less what's happening with laptop computers and their battery lives. Right now, I'm looking at a Best Buy flier touting a $599 Dell laptop that gets 'up to 5 hours and 40 minutes of battery life.'

Down in the fine print comes a disclaimer explaining that 'battery life will vary' based on a bunch of factors. Translation: you ain't gonna get five hours and 40 minutes, bub. Cdma Mobile Phones Free Unlock Software Download. Not even close. So how can Dell and Best Buy make that claim? These battery-life numbers are based on a benchmark test called MobileMark 2007 (MM07). The test was created by a consortium called BAPCo (Business Application Performance Corp.), whose members are—you guessed it—computer makers and other tech companies.

2 maker of microprocessors, is a member of BAPCo, but now has become a whistle-blower. AMD says PC makers know full well that the new tests produce misleading numbers, but they are touting them anyway. Laptops score big numbers because they're tested with screens dimmed to 20 to 30 percent of full brightness, the Wi-Fi turned off and the main processor chip running at 7.5 percent of capacity—just like those cars idling downhill. Techies and industry insiders have long known that official battery-life claims are pretty much worthless. But regular folks don't.

As a result, some are getting pushed toward pricier machines by sales reps who tell them they'll get an extra hour of battery life. Those customers may be paying a premium and getting nothing. 'There's only three endings to this story,' says Patrick Moorhead, a marketing vice president at AMD. 'Either the industry regulates itself, or the FTC steps in and regulates us, or we get hit with a class-action lawsuit.

I suggest the industry go with the first option.' AMD is recommending computer makers adopt a new way of measuring battery life, using two states: 'active time' and 'resting time,' similar to the way cell-phone makers describe the 'talk time' and 'standby time' of a phone. A Dell executive says that approach makes sense, and that the company is considering providing customers with information beyond the MM07 scores. 'Customers expect the advertised battery life to reflect the way they really use the product,' says Ketan Pandya, head of AMD-based products at Dell. AMD isn't leading this crusade out of a sense of altruism. Its real gripe is that MM07 gives Intel, its archrival, an unfair advantage.

Mobilemark 2007 Battery Test Download

AMD claims MM07 was created in Intel's labs and rigged so that Intel chips would outscore AMD chips, since AMD chips draw more power when idle. (AMD says that in real-life usage, laptops using its chips perform comparably to Intel's.) AMD also points out that the president of BAPCo happens to be the head of performance benchmarking at Intel. Intel says this is all hogwash. An Intel spokeswoman says that just because the consortium's president is an Intel exec doesn't mean Intel has special influence. Meanwhile, she can't resist taking a crack at AMD: 'You will often find that companies who are behind in performance sometimes challenge independent and standards-based benchmarks,' she says via e-mail. Intel and AMD are the Bickersons of the computer industry, with AMD always complaining that Intel is cheating, and Intel always responding that AMD should quit being such a crybaby.

But lately AMD has been landing some punches. In May, European antitrust regulators smacked Intel with a $1.45 billion fine, claiming Intel used unfair tactics to bully AMD. (Intel plans to appeal.) Meanwhile, out in the marketplace, the crazy battery claims persist. Dell says its $2,000 Adamo notebook will run for more than five hours, but The Wall Street Journal got only two hours and 44 minutes.

Apple claims eight hours of battery life for its $2,800 17-inch MacBook Pro, but CNET got only four hours and 14 minutes. This stuff is so pervasive that professional reviewers see company-generated battery-life claims as a joke. 'The rule of thumb is that in real-world use you get about 50 percent of rated battery life,' says Mark Wilson, associate editor at Gizmodo.

'It's not that companies are lying, but they're stacking the deck in their favor. [Their claims] are misleading to the general public.' That's something to keep in mind next time you're out shopping for a laptop.

If you have shopped for your laptop by looking at the advertised battery life, you may have disappointed how short your laptop’s battery life was. This posting explains why there is so much difference between advertised battery life and your actual experience. How PC vendors measure battery life of their products? Most of the PC vendors in the US market use Office Productivity benchmark that is consist of the following applications. • Microsoft Office 2003 (Project, Excel, Outlook, PowewrPoint, and Word) • WinZip 10.0 • Adobe Photoshop CS2 • Adobe Illustrator CS2 • Adobe Flash 8 Benchmark runs these applications automatically and emulates typical office use to measures how long the laptops can run with one battery charge. Note: MobileMark 2012 was released a while ago, but it does not seem to be widely adopted at this point (February 2013) yet. What makes the differences between advertised battery life and your experience?

There are many reasons, but some of the major reasons are: • Battery capacity Sometimes PC vendor runs the benchmark with large capacity battery, which is not the default configuration. Please read the fine print or visit to find out which battery was used for the benchmark. If you have 6-cell battery and the published battery life was measured with 9-cell battery, you can expect only 2/3 (= 6 cell / 9 cell) of the published battery life. • Workload differences If you are running heavy games, your battery life will naturally be much shorter than MobileMark 2007 results. Even if you are running office productivity workload that is similar to MobileMark 2007, your battery life may be shorter than MobileMark 2007 result because newer version of applications (e.g. Office 2010) may use more resources than the older version used in MobileMark 2007. If your main workload is web browsing, your battery life widely varies depending on what website you visit and what kind of activity you make at each site, but considering more dynamic nature of modern web designs, web browsing can be much more demanding workload than MobileMark 2007 Productivity benchmark.

Team Fortress 2 Download Full Game Tpbtaylorsville on this page. • WiFi setting MobileMark 2007 is usually run with WiFi disabled. • Display brightness MobileMark 2007 is required to run with display brightness at 60 NITs, which may be a little bit dimmer than many people prefer. What does the advertised battery life mean to you? So, now you know that you cannot get the same battery life as advertised. Does this mean that the MobileMark scores are useless? It does not needed to be. It is still useful data when you use it right.

Here are some examples where the score is useful. • Compare battery life performance between laptops As MobileMark 2007 defines test procedure well, you can expect reasonably fair comparison between laptop models even they are from different vendors. For different kind of workloads, absolute battery life will vary, but the laptop with better MobileMark 2007 score usually do better with other workloads, too. • To determine how well your laptop is power managed You can compare your laptop’s battery life to the advertised battery life to find out how well your laptop is power managed.

You probably do not want to run Mobile Mark 2007 on your laptop (it costs $750!), but by: • Disable WiFi, • Disable screen saver, • Set display brightness to the lowest brightness and disable all power saving timers. Power plan setting for run-down test • And leave your laptop idle until the battery drains. Your laptop should be able to stay on for more than the advertised battery life (because of less activity than MobileMark 2007 and lower backlight brightness). Nevertheless, many laptops drain battery in (much) shorter time. If this is the case for you, your laptop is not optimally configured and/or unwanted programs are draining your battery in the background. This means that there are many things you can do to improve the battery life.

Using our is one way to find out what is wasting your battery power. It finds both software and hardware problems in your laptop and helps you to get most out of your laptop.