Neax 2000 Ips Matworx Download Chrome

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Chapter 19 Voice Messaging Systems Record/Edit From a PC or a telephone, subscribers can record their directory name and record and edit their personal greetings, which the NEAXMail AD64 plays to incoming callers. Administer private distribution list (groups) - subscribers oversee their private distribution lists, adding or deleting recipients as necessary. Change directory listing status - individual subscribers can control whether or not they want to be listed in the directory. Change telephone password - subscribers can change their telephone password from within the Mailbox Manager. Change transfer options - subscribers can turn call transfer on or off, and change the extension or telephone number to which incoming calls are transferred. When call transfer is turned off, incoming calls are sent directly to the subscriber’s mailbox.

This feature is particularly useful for employees who have offices in multiple facilities, frequently work at home, or work as part of a team that requires them to spend a significant amount of time in a colleague’s office. By using Mailbox Manager to change call transfer options, callers and subscribers are connected quickly to provide improved customer service and efficient personal administration of call traffic. Set conversation options - subscribers can specify whether or not they want the default Yes/No or the alternative Menu Mode conversation, whether they want to hear the date and time stamp before or after a message, or if they want the voice mail system to greet them by name when they call in to retrieve their messages.

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Set message delivery options - subscribers can establish rules governing message delivery options for the type and urgency of message or frequency of delivery. For example, a subscriber can set the message delivery options so that when he or she receives urgent voice messages on Wednesday, the NEAXMail AD-64will call the subscriber’s home or cellular telephone to deliver them. Set call screening and holding options - subscribers can set call screening and holding options to handle incoming calls with ease.

Two or more of these options may be combined. The following call screening and hold options are available. Announce before connecting caller - The system plays a beep before transferring the call.

Screen Name - The system asks the caller’s name before ringing the extension. The system plays “Call from ” before transferring the call. Ask me if I want to take the call - The system says “Enter 1 to take the call, or 2 and I’ll take a message” and then waits for a response from you before transferring the call. Remember screen name - The system asks and plays the caller’s name as above, and if the caller leaves a message, will append the caller’s name to the beginning of the message. Tell me who the call is for The system says, “Call for ” before transferring the call.

Integration features - NEAXMail AD-64is capable of delivering the following major features. However, limitations of the NEAX platform, Telco service or network configuration, may make one or more of these features unavailable.

Call forward to personal greeting. This feature makes it easy for callers to leave messages for subscribers who are busy or away from their desks. With this feature, incoming calls routed to an unanswered or busy extension are automatically forwarded directly to a subscriber’s voice mailbox where the caller can leave a personal message. Message waiting indication. NEAXMail AD-64will light a message waiting lamp, activate a display, or provide a stutter dial tone on the subscriber’s extension when new messages have been received. Easy message access.

With this feature, subscribers simply press one button on their telephone set to retrieve new messages from their voice mailboxes without entering a personal ID number. To prevent unauthorized message access, subscribers may also require a security code to be entered before message playback. The feature allows the subscriber to record their telephone conversation and save them as voice messages in their mailbox. Live Record is available on Dterm sets with a properly configured feature button.

A programmable “recording beep tone” may be configured where required by law. Constant Message Count. Allows Dterm display set users to see messaging information on their LCD. The message count is updated to provide old, new and urgent message counts when users are connected to their voice mailbox. Soft Key Mailbox Navigation. When connected to an IVS2 or IPS system, mailbox subscribers with Dterm Series E and Dterm IP sets have the option of using the four soft key buttons to manage messages and navigate their mailbox menus. Using these visual menu prompts allows the subscriber to quickly select and access various mailbox features.

ANI/Caller ID Capture and Display. When using Enhanced MCI integration Automatic Number Identification (ANI) or Caller ID (CLID) integration displays the telephone number of the outside caller on a desktop PC (using ViewMail, ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging or ViewCall Plus) or the Dterm set’s display during message playback. Immediate disconnect. NEAXMail AD-64immediately disconnects when callers hang up, so ports free up immediately. Line resource management controls out-dialing. This gives priority to incoming call traffic when performing out-dialingoperations.

Integration methods – the NEAXMail AD-64integrates with the NEAX PBX system in one of three ways. The integration method dictates how the NEAX PBX provides call information when forwarding a call to a subscriber’s personal greeting and how it receives message-waitingindication from NEAXMail AD-64.When integrated, both the NEAX PBX and the NEAXMail AD-64system share information on the origin and destination of calls. It also notifies subscribers when new messages are pending.

Direct Digital Integration – is established using the Intel®/Dialogic® D/42NE2 voice board(s) installed in the NEAXMail AD-64.Each board emulates up to four Dterm sets and transmits digital switch information between the PBX and the NEAXMail AD-64.The Dialogic board connects to the PBX using one Dterm station port for each NEAXMail AD-64voice port. The D/42-NE2board takes a 'snapshot' of the feature set display information and identifies the display information for caller and calling party information.

This integration also makes the Live Record, Constant Message Count and SoftKey Navigation features possible. Message Center Integration (MCI) - is a serial data link between the NEAX PBX and NEAXMail AD-64.The voice messaging system and the switch share information about each call by passing data over this serial data link. Message waiting lamp status is sent from the voice messaging system to the telephone system, saving port usage to handle incoming calls.

MCI is used in multi-switchnetworks whenever Common Channel Interoffice Signaling (CCIS) networking is used. Simultaneous MCI & Digital Integration – is a combination of the previously mentioned integrations and is used whenever multiple NEAX PBXs are networked together via CCIS. With this method the local PBX subscribers may continue to use the Live Record, Constant Message Count, Soft Keys and ANI Capture & Display features. All other integration is performed through the MCI link. Single Point of Entry (SPE) AIMWorX® Voice Mail SPE is an optional product that lets subscribers manage the most commonly used voice mail functions from their computers. This product provides single- point-of-entrydata management between information in the AIMWorX database and the NEAXMail AD-64voice mail system.

You can assign mailboxes, set preferences, and other administrative duties from the Users screen in AIMWorX Manager and then download it to the voice mail system. Maintenance The NEAXMail AD-64is designed to be as easy to maintain as possible. All system hardware requires minimal maintenance. Software maintenance, including backup and restore, is designed to be virtually foolproof.

System Administration Console By using the Windows-basedsystem administration console, NEAXMail AD64 can be administered from any Windows based PC on your LAN. This new console is intuitively designed and.

Chapter 19 Voice Messaging Systems is accessible via an IP connection, making system administrators more efficient when managing the NEAXMail AD-64system. Status Monitor The Status Monitor utility monitors the voice messaging system as it answers and routes calls and it dials phone numbers to deliver messages or turn on message waiting indicators. The Status Monitor utility displays any error messages for ports. The Status Monitor utility can also be used to reset ports if they become unable to answer or place calls. Disk full warning When the number of minutes of message storage left on the system is equal to or less than a value specified by the system manager, the system asks subscribers to delete unnecessary messages. On-line reports NEAXMail AD-64can provide detailed information regarding an organization’s incoming telephone calls.

The information, generated in reports, can be used to help make decisions about the organization, such as staffing levels, productivity, and telephone equipment needs. Reports can be viewed on the screen or printed on a printer connected to the voice processing system. Reports can also be copied to files and imported into many word processing, database, and spreadsheet programs. There are five types of on-linereports: usage reports, directory reports, busy ports report, call log, and error log. Usage reports These reports give an indication of how much the voice messaging system is being used over time. These reports can be run for an individual guest, subscriber, extension number, or system ID.

Usage of the entire voice messaging system can also be tracked. The Usage Bar Graph Report shows the percentage of each hour that a person or box was using the voice mail system. The bar graph report for the entire system shows the percentage of each hour that the voice mail system’s ports were in use. This percentage equals the number of minutes the ports were busy divided by the number of minutes they could have been busy. The number of minutes they could have been busy equals 60 minutes multiplied by the number of ports on the system.

The Usage Table Report may be run for an individual guest, subscriber, and extension number ID or system ID and reports the total number of calls by system port and total duration of calls in minutes. A usage table for the entire system shows the total number of calls answered by each system port for each hour of the day and the duration of calls in total number of minutes. The report also includes grand totals for day, night, and entire 24-hourperiods. Directory reports Directory reports show the structure of the system, its subscribers, system IDs and message groups.

It is possible to run the report for everyone enrolled in the system, for all extension IDs or for message groups. Directory reports include a subscriber report, extension list and group reports. Subscriber Reports Subscriber reports list each subscriber and guest enrolled in the system. The report includes each personal ID, the number of new messages waiting, the total number of new and old messages, the date the person last called the voice mail system, the number of days the system saves the subscriber’s old and archived messages, and the access code. Extension List Reports Extension list reports show every subscriber on the system with the corresponding extension number ID and the system IDs for any transaction boxes and interview boxes the subscriber owns.

This report does not include guests. For each subscriber, the report lists whether call transfer is currently on or off, the telephone number that calls will be transferred to, the call transfer type, the number of times the extension rings, call transfer options, and whether call holding is on or off. Group Reports Group reports provide information about message groups in the system. There are three different group reports: List of Message Groups (lists groups), Group Membership (lists members of groups), and Groups Including Person (lists all the message groups of which a subscriber or guest is a member). Busy port report The busy ports report shows the total number of times all or selected ports were busy.

It also shows the average percentage of time the ports were busy during a specific time period. The busy port report can be run for all ports on the system or for a selected group of ports. Call log The call log provides a record of every call NEAXMail AD-64answers, dials, or transfers. The call log can be run for the entire system or an individual subscriber. Error log The error log lists system errors. The report lists each error code, the port on which the error occurred, and the date and time the error occurred. This report can be used to diagnose and solve system problems.

The system manager can look up the error code on line and follow the steps to correct the error. Remote maintenance With NEAXMail AD-64’sremote maintenance feature, support and problem solving can be provided without an on-sitevisit. Visual Messaging Visual Messaging is a suite of optional unified messaging and call management modules that can enhance your NEAXMail AD-64voice messaging system by linking your telephone and your Local Area Network (LAN). Using an intuitive Microsoft Windows interface, the Visual Messaging modules bring calls and messages to your desktop PC and make managing them as easy as clicking a mouse. Instead of listening to calls and messages one-by-oneon the telephone, you can visually manage multiple calls or messages on screen and work more efficiently and effectively than ever before. As your organization grows, you can add seats of the different modules. Each module—ViewMail,ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging, ViewMail for Lotus Notes, ViewMail for GroupWise and ViewCall Plus addresses a specific need and can be purchased to customize your NEAXMail AD-64as your organization’s requirements change.

ViewMail ViewMail organizes messages on screen, making them much easier to manage than on the telephone. ViewMail displays a list of messages that you can quickly scan for important information.

You can see who sent the message, the date and time it was sent, the length, and a subject if one was included. When used with Automatic Number Identification (ANI) and Caller ID, or when entered manually through NEAXMail AD64 call screening feature, the name and number of the person who sent the message is also included.

You can sort messages in any order and see details about them at a glance. Intuitive buttons and icons make ViewMail easy to use. You can play and review selected messages, send a message to another subscriber, send a copy of a message to another subscriber, save a message as a WAV file to a desired location and delete messages from your mailbox—allwith a click of a mouse. ViewMail can be used on Windows 98, NT 3.51, NT 4.0, 2000, and XP. Chapter 19 Voice Messaging Systems immediately to any part of the message. Using the mouse you can redirect a message to any subscriber, including groups of subscribers. You can also redirect voice over the Internet.

ViewMail will save voice messages as WAV files when you attach them to an e-mailmessage. ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging/Lotus Notes/GroupWise can be used on Windows 98, NT 4.0, 2000, and XP using Outlook 98, 2000, and 2002. NEAXMail IM-16LX An enhanced integrated messaging solution; the NEAXMail ® IM-16LXis the next generation of internal card-based,voicemail/unified messaging system. It delivers scalable port and message storage capacities with all the features you’ve come to expect from the most advanced NEC voice messaging products. Designed specifically for the NEAX ® 2000 IPS, the internal card set also offers reliability, space and cost-savingadvantages.

Up to 490 hours of messages can be stored on the NEAXMail IM-16LX.The integrated messaging solution scales from 4 to 16 ports and expands from 2 to 4 fax ports, making it an ideal messaging choice for the NEAX 2000 business communication platform. The integrated design of the NEAXMail IM-16LXtakes up less space than a standalone messaging solution. It can also save you money. Because the NEAXMail IM-16LXfits inside the NEAX 2000, you don’t have to buy line cards normally required for a standalone system.

It also uses less energy because it’s powered by the NEAX 2000. In the event of a power failure, it will operate off the same battery backup of the NEAX 2000, adding another measure of reliability to your communication system.

Unified Messaging and Call Management A feature-richbusiness communications solution, the NEAXMail IM-16LXsimplifies message management with convenient access to voice, fax and email messages from any networked PC. Unified Messaging yields fewer misunderstood or lost messages and faster message returns.

The result: Employees can prioritize their messages and streamline their workload. With Voice Messaging, recorded messages can be left and responded to 24x7.

Users benefit from many messaging options and the ability to set up their mailboxes to suit individual needs. From a multimedia PC, subscribers can even play and record messages, eliminating the need to pick up a telephone. Access email messages by phone with the text-to-speechoption. Enjoy 24-hour, two-wayaccess to messages without the need for a laptop or modem connection.

Communicating by fax is faster, easier and totally confidential with NEAXMail IM-16LX.Inbound and outbound documents are password protected and can be stored electronically until previewed and printed from any networked desktop PC. Full Digital Integration Through its fully customized digital integration, the NEAXMail IM-16LXcombines important business communication functions into one comprehensive voice processing system --a system that can help you increase productivity and improve service dramatically. Chapter 19 Voice Messaging Systems Digital integration enables feature options such as Soft key Navigation, Constant Message Count, Live Record, Live Monitor and Mailbox Manager. Soft key Navigation allows you to navigate your Dterm ® Series E, I or Dterm IP phone, as well as your NEAXMail IM-16LXvoice mail menu options using the LCD screen.

Constant Message Count gives you an accurate count of your new or old messages on the LCD screen. With Live Record, subscribers can record calls at any point during the call and save the recording or forward it to other subscribers. Accurate messages can be passed on to others and phone conversations can be archived for future reference.

Setting your mailbox feature options is quick and efficient using the NEAXMail IM-16LX’s Web-basedMailbox Manager Application. Subscribers can modify their own mailbox greetings, security codes, notifications, groups, conversation preferences and other settings through the intuitive, graphical user interface accessed with their Microsoft® Internet Explorer browser. Hospitality Feature Package NEAXMail IM-16LXoffers a version specifically designed for the special needs of the hospitality industry and integrates with over 60 Property Management Systems (PMS). Personalized guest messaging is available for every room and guests can choose from an extensive list of foreign language prompts. The guest directory allows callers to contact the hotel guests or leave messages without going through an operator.

The hospitality package’s wake-upfeature allows guests to add, delete, change and confirm a wake-upcall at any time during their stay. Guest information lines answer routine questions 24 hours a day.

The hospitality package also improves internal communication. The entire hotel staff can be alerted to a message simultaneously. Employees working different schedules can leave messages for each other.

Housekeeping, maintenance and room service can be alerted via pager or cell phone while mobile. Enjoy the Benefits of Integrated Messaging For simplified message management, take advantage of the NEAXMail IM-16LX’snumerous features, convenient access to messages and customizable user-friendlysettings. Easy-to-implement, easy-to-maintain and easy-to-install,the NEAXMail IM-16LXis engineered to be a cost-effectiveand efficient integrated messaging solution for your NEAX 2000.

Basic Features Live Record Live Monitor Soft Keys Functionality Web-BasedMailbox Manager Browser-basedAdministration Console ANI Capture and Display Constant Message Count. Chapter 20 System Documentation NEC offers a full complement of documents for the U NIVERGE NEAX 2000 IPS product line. Technical documentation is available on Compact Disk (CD ROM) or on the WEB through NTAC On-Line( This section lists all documents included on the Compact Disk (CD ROM).

Chapter 8 System Administration The method you use depends on how you installed and configured the device to which you want to connect. A serial cable direct connection offers better performance than a modem connection, but requires that the PC and device be within 50 feet of each other. A TCP/IP connection offers excellent performance and flexibility but requires a network connection to both your PC and the device. PBX Configuration Wizard The PBX Configuration Wizard is a custom tool in MAT WorX that enables you to establish the proper communication settings between your computer and the U NIVERGE NEAX 2000 IPS. The Wizard asks you simple questions and then uses the information to automatically configure the connection for the PC and the PBX.

Service Conditions 1. Connection through modems is available, providing remote maintenance capabilities. MAT WorX can be connected to the system either directly or remotely. Direct connection is through the RS connector on the MP card. Remote connection is available via either an internal modem on the MP card or an external modem for high speed.

Remote connection via the internal modem is through the COT card. Connection between the modem and the COT is accomplished through internal switching of the TDSW.

Remote connection via an external modem is through the MP card. The following functions can be performed from MAT WorX: System, station, and trunk data entry, change, and copy. Grmculfrer Es Dvd Iso Ripper. Loading, saving, and verification of system data to and from a disk.

Darkest Dungeon Build 7527 Lincoln. ROM check readout of generic program. Display of fault/fault cleared messages. On-siteor remote access to the system.

Printout of system data (when printer is connected to PC). Display and setting of system clock/calendar. Numbering Plan Least Cost Routing (LCR) System initialize UCD/Station Hunting/Call Pickup – Group 4. The PC used with MAT WorX must have an RS-232Cport, and cannot be located more than 50 feet (15m) from the system when connected on premises. When stations or trunks are expanded, moved, or changed, office data for a Multiline Terminal key/station/ trunk can be copied and multiple assignments of related office data is possible. MACH Script Editor This is a powerful timesaving tool that enables you to create a list of U NIVERGE NEAX 2000 IPS commands that perform tasks in the PBX. This list is referred to as a script, which can be saved and run at anytime.

You can also use the MACH Script Editor to perform many other operations. Traffic Management The U NIVERGE NEAX 2000 IPS provides traffic management reports to be used for overall analysis of system performance.

MAT WorX is used to request and display the type of report, sample measurement time period, and time increments of reports. Type of Traffic Measurement Reports: Number of successful attempts at outgoing access, based on trunk route. Number of times all trunks were busy, based on trunk route. Number of incoming calls, based on trunk route.

Number of incoming calls connected to busy tone and then trunk abandoned. Quantity of incoming calls with no answer and trunk abandoned, based on trunk route. Number of times a push button register was connected, on a system basis. Number of times all push button registers were busy, on a system basis. Number of outgoing connections using modem trunks, based on modem trunk group. Number of incoming connections using modem trunks, based on modem trunk group. Number of times all modem trunks were busy, based on modem trunk group.

Number of times the Conference circuits were used, on a system basis. Number of times Conference circuits were all busy, on a system basis. Number of times an incoming call was Call Forwarded-NoAnswer to the Attendant or another station (on DID, Tie or DIT lines), on a system basis. Number of Tandem Connections, on a system basis. Number of times a push button register was connected to a trunk, based on trunk route.

Number of Attendant calls including recalls, on a system basis. Number of station-to-stationcalls, on a system basis. Number of times senders were all busy, on a system basis. Number of ring generator capacity overflows, on a system basis. Number of DTE to DTE connections, on a system basis. (UCD Peg Count) Number of answered calls by UCD group. Number of incoming calls by UCD group.

Number of waiting calls for a pre-determinedtime into queuing mode on the UCD group. Number of incoming calls to all busy stations in the UCD group. Number of answered calls in the UCD group. MATWorX PC Requirements MAT WorX requires an IBM or compatible PC running Microsoft Windows ®ME, 2000 or XP.

Minimum Requirements Recommended Pentium III 350 MHz processor Pentium IV 1 GHz processor 128 MB RAM 256 MB RAM Available hard-diskspace Available hard-diskspace before installation: before installation: 200 MB - Full Installation 200 MB - Minimum installation MATWorX uses about 100 MB MATWorX uses about 100 MB SVGA monitor, 800 x 600 15” SVGA monitor, 1024 x resolution 768 resolution 3.5” diskette drive, CD-ROMdrive, Mouse Valid NEAX hardware connection (direct serial, modem, or TCP/IP). Chapter 8 System Administration System Diagnostics When a fault occurs in the system, an audible and visual indication will be given at the following units: External alarm indicating unit Fault messages reported at MAT WorX for remote reporting Alarm lamps in front of each package mounted in the frame Self Diagnostic/System Messages The U NIVERGE NEAX 2000 IPS provides a sophisticated array of self-diagnosticroutines that are continually and automatically being performed. Various system messages are printed when a fault occurs in a central processor system, switch network processors. Many other miscellaneous system messages and change of key status messages are also printed. Remote Maintenance This feature allows station and trunk changes or reassignments to be performed without a site visit by service personnel, and can be used to retrieve fault codes prior to visiting a site. One Remote Maintenance center can service an unlimited amount of systems, thus reducing the amount of personnel to maintain each site, travel costs and customer billing for each site. Service Conditions 1.

The following additional equipment is required for this feature: A modem at the maintenance center and one at each remote site. (When the internal modem of the Main Processor (MP) is used, no modem at each remote site is required) A cable for connection between the MP and the on-sitemodem. (When the internal modem of the MP is used, the above cable is not required) 2.

The internal modem of the MP is compatible with the following specifications: Modem Specification ITU-TV.22 1200 bps ITU-TV.32 4800/9600 bps ITU-TV.22 bis 2400 bps ITU-TV.34 19.2 k/33.6 kbps Bell 212A 1200 bps 3. Any one of the following connections are also required for access to the modem: Required Connection A dedicated line Attendant controlled transfer Direct Inward System Access (DISA) Direct Inward Termination 4.

The following operations can be executed from the Remote Maintenance location: Retrieval of fault data Retrieval of Peg Count information Deletion or addition of system data (line, trunk, etc.) using a preprogrammed security password Data assignment by device number (stations, trunks, and Attendant Console) Copying of station data from one station to other stations (when adding sequential stations in groups) Release / Reconnection of backup batteries Display of station line status. MP Program Download The U NIVERGE NEAX 2000 IPS provides Online MP Program Download via IP network using the CP24C and CP31C. This feature allows an MP upgrade program to be downloaded to the U NIVERGE NEAX 2000 IPS MP card with the PBX on-lineand during the download process all features and functions are available. The MP Program Download feature is available to a stand alone system or a Remote system in a Remote PIM network. The IPS downloads the MP upgrade program from FTP server using MATWorX.

MATWorX and the FTP server can be installed and running on the same PC. A single FTP server or multiple FTP servers can be used. Immediate or scheduled changeover to the upgrade program is available. It is also possible to change back to the previous program that was in use before the changeover (changeback).

MP Download Process Service Conditions General Service Conditions The MP program download can be executed to the PN-CP24-C/PN-CP31-C(MP card) when a PZ-M606-Ais mounted. For the Retrofit system and Backup CPU system remote download of MP program is not available. The call processing is stopped while the system is initialized by the program changeover execution.

Remote download of AP program is not available. While the PBX is off-line,you cannot execute the program downloading, or program changeover/ changeback/ program version matching (immediate). However, it is possible to read various information and set the schedule (date/time) for program changeover/ changeback/ program version matching even while the PBX is off-line. When the PN-32IPLAis mounted in the system, the MP program download (FTP) is not available. When the PN-32IPLA-Aor PN-8IPLAis mounted, it is available in the system.

Chapter 8 System Administration Program Download Service Conditions Do not reset the PBX and the MATWorX during MP program downloading. Do not pull out the LAN cable during MP program downloading. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is used as the protocol for the remote download of MP program. Only the file specified in “File Name” of CHECKSUM.TXT can be downloaded to the PBX. If you do not set the directory name to save the program files and CHECKSUM.TXT by MATWorX, they are saved to the FTP directory (default). If you do not set the password and user ID of the FTP server by MATWorX, login to the FTP server with anonymous. If required FTP server information is not set when executing the MP program download, “DATA NOT SET” is displayed.

For the TCP port, the specified port is used for file transfer (control), and the port in front of it is used for the file transfer. For example, when the TCP port is set to 3000, Port No. 3000 is used for the file transfer (control), and Port No. 2999 is used for the file transfer (Port 21-Filetransfer (control), Port 20-Filetransfer: default). If you read the issue number of the standby side (outdated side) and change the settings of FTP information during MP program downloading, “WAIT, BUSY NOW” is displayed. When using a single FTP server to update multiple sites in remote PIM network schedule the file transfer at least 7 minutes or more apart so that bandwidth and the number of connections to the FTP server are not exceeded. Program Changeover Service Conditions The system is initialized automatically after executing the program changeover any data that is not backed up will lost.

Be sure to execute the office data backup before executing the program changeover. If an error is detected during system initialization after executing the program changeover, the PBX starts automatically with the previous program. If the program download is executed while the program version matching is being executed, the program version matching is interrupted, and program download is executed. If the program changeover (immediate) is executed while the program version matching is being executed, the program is changed after the program version matching is completed. The program changeover cannot be executed if the program downloading or program version matching is interrupted or fails. If the program changeover (immediate) is set, the setting is invalid.

The program changeover for which the schedule (date/time) has been set is executed only when the PBX is on-line. When immediate program changeover is executed after a schedule (date/time) for program changeover execution is set, the schedule is invalid. Required Hardware Equipment Comments CP24C/CP31C Stand Alone or Remote PIM network MATWorX IPS Version 11.0.0 PC for MATWorX Note See MATWorX PC Requirements above Windows 2000 Server/Windows 2000 PC/Work station for FTP Note Professional/Windows XP Professional (Internet Information Server (IIS)supplied with Windows 2000/XPProfessional can be used) Note: MATWorX and FTP server program can be used on the same PC. MA4000 Management System MA4000 Management System is a web based, powerful voice server management configuration suite.

MA4000 offers centralized management for the U NIVERGE NEAX 2000 IPS Voice Server as well as simple and powerful tools for managing moves, adds and changes. MA4000 also offers flexibility and security and allows the end user to manage their voice server in the same ways they manage their networks.