Pi Kappa Alpha Risk Awareness Handbook Template

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Sir, Sunday evening March 1st,1868 University of Virginia, For the establishment of friendship on a firmer and more lasting basis. For the promotion of brotherly love and kind feeling.

Pi Kappa Alpha Risk Awareness Handbook To Higher. Pluto & Orcus: The Astronomy and Astrology. For example, Pluto crosses Orcus' orbital plane (moving from north to south of Orcus' orbit) in early September 2. Sagittarius (shown below). This is another nodal axis, this one created by the intersection. Fraternities and sororities - Wikipedia. Fraternities and sororities are social organizations at colleges and universities. A form of the social fraternity, they are.

Pi Kappa Alpha Risk Awareness Handbook Template

For the mutual benefit and advancement of the interests of those with whom we sympathize and deem worthy of our regard. We have resolved to form a fraternity, believing that, thus we can most successfully accomplish our object.' Robertson Howard Julian Edward Wood James Benjamin sclater, Jr. Frederick Southgate Taylor Littleton waller Tazewell Bradford William Alexander Sir. PRESIDENT ( An overall Fraternity man) - Should be well versed in parliamentary procedure. He should be an Experienced, Fraternity man, with the significant knowledge of fraternity operations, campus policies, and the strategies by which chapter will improve itself. Also makes sure the chapter has a set of goals long term and short term, and a skeleton calendar for identifying what dates are targeted for certain activities.

INTERNAL VICE PRESIDENT (Inside Affairs) -Alumni Relations -Historian/ End of Year Summary -Webmaster/ Communications -Scholarship -Fund Raising -Continuing Education 2. SECRETARY - Keeps accurate records of official events and keeps the membership list for the chapter. Keeps minutes during meetings and reports pledgings, initiations, membership changes. SERGEANT AT ARMS - Helps keep order during chapter meetings.

Works with the chapters Ritual Committee to increase awareness and knowledge of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity Ritual, and he coordinates rehearsals for special ceremonies including pledging and initiation. Also heads the chapter's judicial committee. TREASURE - Manages the chapter's finances, works with other executive members to develop an overall budget. Heads Financial Committee as well. RECRUITMENT OFFICER - Recruits men that will best preserve and represent PIKES motto and meaning.

Heads Recruitment Committee. RISK AWARENESS - Handles the Fraternity's safety aspects. Making sure the Fraternity is being responsible and keeping safety first. Setting up Designated Drivers as an example.

PLEDGE EDUCATION - Teaches the pledges how to become a True Pike and educates them on the history of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Shaping pledges into a replica of himself. EXTERNAL VICE PRESIDENT (Outside Affairs) -Athletics -Social -Public Relations -Community Service -Campus Involvement -Special Events -Marketing. ROBERT ADGER SMYTHE AWARD - Recognizes overall chapter superiority and prominence -The chapters that win this award are tops on their campus and the 'best of the best' amongst all of Pi Kappa Alpha. -A year-end overall awards score of at least a 3. Black Body Radiation Experiment Pdf Editor. 75 (out of 4.0) -An active membership level of at least 65 initiates -An alumni advisory board as deemed by regional president -Chapter representation at all Pike University events (including at least one Leadership Summit) 2. THE EXCELLENCE AWARD.

ORIANS CHAPTER EXCELLENCE AWARDS) -A year-end overall awards score of at least a 3.25 (out of 4.0) -An active membership of at least 50 initiates -An alumni advisory board as deemed by regional president - Chapter representation at all Pike University events (including at least one Leadership Summit) 3. NEWELL AWARD -Earned by the most improved chapters of the year 4. CHAPTER PROGRAMING AWARDS -Earned by chapters excelling in one of many areas of chapter operations 5. 100 MAN CHAPTER AWARDS -Earned by chapters with 100 or more student members 6. INTERNATIONAL WORK DAY AWARDS -Earned for exemplary participation in this annual real estate event. 7.PIKE UNIVERSITY AWARDS -Recognizing individual and chapter wide participation in Pike University 8.

SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS -Recognizing chapters with a GPA above 3.0 and recognizing the highest among them. 9.RECRUITMENT AWARDS -Recognizing most improved and top recruiting chapters. -There are also a number of individual student and alumnus awards.

100% COLLECTION AWARDS -Earned by chapters that collect 100% of all fees and assessments billed during fiscal year. Achieved a chapter GPA above 2.79 on a 4.0 scale 2.Recruited the most top scholars, leaders, and gentleman year-round 3.Annually, initiated at least 85% of their pledges 4. Maintained a chapter size in the top 5% of all fraternities on their campus. Contributed an average of 5,000 hours of service to their community annually. Donated an average of $15,000 to charities annually 7.

Competed in all campus sports and finished either first or second among all campus fraternity chapters 8. Publish a news letter at least twice a year.

Gamma Rho has officially closed winter rush and has secured 26 of Northwestern’s most quality men. Most of the new pledges signed their formal “bids” or official invitations to join Pi Kappa Alpha the first week of winter quarter beginning on Tuesday Jan 4th. M1 Le License Keygen Learning there. Senior pledge educator, Patrick Garvin (08′), has conducted weekly pledge education meetings where these 26 men are learning more about the national fraternity, Gamma Rho, risk and chapter management, and other aspects of fraternity life.

Elections for pledge positions occurred last Saturday. Results are below: President – Matt Mrozek, VP – McCormick Wooden, Rush – Dave Richards, Risk Awareness – Blake Alexander, Social – Arvind Sekar, Treasurer – John Kernes, Philanthropy – Adam Heyligers, Community Service – Andrew Walker, Athletics – Ryan Holmes & Justin Quinn, Historian – Will Stark, Alumni Relations – Matt Liffmann, Logistics – Joe Strack For more information on rushing Pike please contact the Rush Chair, Mike Raab (’09), at nupikerush@gmail.com. Pat Garvin (Right) had 17 points in the win over Sigma Chi After trailing 18-2 early in the first half, Pike Garnet surged on an 8-2 run to finish the half trailing by 10. Pat Garvin (’08) got hot early in the second, scoring 8 unanswered points. A late triple by Anuj Shah (’10) gave Garnet the lead with 2:08 remaining in the contest. Shah also netted the game winning free throw with only seconds left on the clock. Mike McGuire (’09) also had a red letter night notching 8 points in the contest.

Pike Garnet starts off 1-0 this season, after dropping their first game to ZBT last year. Pike looks to defend its title as Purple League IM Champions, with 5 players returning from last year’s championship team.

Pike Garnet faces ZBT this Sunday, January 23rd, at 5:00PM at Blomquist Gym. To read the article in the Chicago Tribune. To hear the songs. From the Chicago Tribune: Sometimes the apple does fall a little farther from the tree. Chester Hanks, a Northwestern University sophomore and Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity brother, is the second son of nice-guy actor Tom Hanks. He’s also an aspiring rapper who rhymes dirty in the vernacular developed by hip-hop artists who grew up with less comfort.

Using the name “Chet Haze,” Hanks has released two singles, one an ode to campus life in Evanston called “White and Purple (Northwestern Remix)” that is a rewrite of rapper Wiz Khalifa’s “Black and Yellow.” It has been criticized for being similar to an earlier “Black and Yellow” rewrite, “White and Purple (NU Anthem 2010)” by Chicago rapper Mo Greene, a 2008 NU graduate. In Hanks’ lyrics, there’s a reference to “hittin’ blunts after hittin’ books.” There’s also the rhyme: “Hear the neighbors talk, but you know that they be losin’ / I’m trying to walk the walk for the major of my choosin’.” The second tune, “West Side LA,” was released Thursday on YouTube and at hotnewhiphop.com. In that pop-tinged ode to Los Angeles living (“just another day on the (expletive) West Side”), Hanks waxes poetic about “smokin’ trees” (joints), sex and his private parts, then tells a woman cheating on her boyfriend with him to “fall back, you mall rat.” He also boasts: “My style’s like an animal / From here to Panama / My flow got too much stamina / Other MCs they’re just too amateur / So I damage ’em / In the booth with my homeys and my manager.” Hanks and his manager, a fellow NU student, did not respond to e-mailed interview requests from the Tribune. He told the Daily Northwestern he’s serious about rap, had not heard of Mo Greene before the controversy and has the full support of his family. In case the MCing doesn’t work out, Hanks does have a fallback position.

He’s a theater major, the Daily reported.