The Juggler Method Ebook3000

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The Juggler Method Ebook3000 The film finance handbook Download the film finance handbook or read online books in PDF, EPUB, Tuebl, and Mobi Format. Click Download or Read Online button to get. The Juggler Method Ebook Library The Venus symbol also represented femininity, and in ancient alchemy stood for copper. Alchemists constructed the symbol from a.

Wayne's book shows you exactly how to talk to women without having to memorize a bunch of cheesy, canned routines. You basically unleashing your own personality through this very simple framework. You'll never run out of things to talk about and you'll know that the girls actually like you for YOU-not because you memorized some pickup lines or went around pretending you're something you're not.

This is pure natural game and it works very well. The second part of the book shows you how to apply this stuff in real-world situ. Juggler - 'The Juggler Method' is electronically distributed. Indio Big Harvest Rar Extractor. You can download it or order on DVD. Wayne's book shows you exactly how to talk to women without having to memorize a bunch of cheesy, canned routines. You basically unleashing your own personality through this very simple framework.

You'll never run out of things to talk about and you'll know that the girls actually like you for YOU-not because you memorized some pickup lines or went around pretending you're something you're not. This is pure natural game and it works very well. The second part of the book shows you how to apply this stuff in real-world situations. It contains several scenarios and dialogues between Wayne and women that he meets ranging from bars to bookstores and everything in between. This part is great to read before going out because it puts you in a light and relaxed mood.

You feel more sociable and you can actually see yourself doing the things that Wayne does. The book is absolutely golden! Best of all, this book doesn't just teach you how to be great with women, it will help you in just about any other social situation.

The Juggler Method Ebook3000The Juggler Method Ebook3000

You can use the conversational techniques to boost your own popularity and be more socially confident in general. I also took their Charm School bootcamp when they came to my town a few years back. I didn't have the honor to work with Juggler himself, but the coaches I worked with were amazing!

After an entire weekend of meeting and talking with women followed by their own personalized feedback given to me that helped me blow past my sticking points, I was totally on fire! Doing this stuff live really drills it into you and it becomes part of you. Bottom line, this stuff is solid gold! I can honestly say that I got over my shyness because of the Juggler Method and Charisma Arts. Mika The Origin Of Love Download Blogspot App.

This is by far one of the best dating advice books I've ever gotten my hands on. About Author: Real Name: Wayne Elise Affiliation: Charisma Arts Website: Wayne Elise, aka ' Juggler' is an instructor of pickup and conversational skills. Wayne was one of the first pickup ' gurus' to hold in-field seminars, when he created a company called ' Seduction Arts' ( later renamed 'Charisma Arts') back in 2001.

Wayne's style of pickup differs from other early gurus such as Mystery, in that it doesn't rely on canned material or routines. Instead, the Juggler method focuses on how to have conversations where people open up to you, and how to make genuine emotional connections. In 2006, Wayne Elise was featured on a British reality TV program called Seduction School: Size Doesn't Matter, in which he taught three clueless guys how to meet and approach women. Wayne Elise ( aka 'Juggler') is the founder of Charisma Arts and a master of conversational game. Juggler is a pickup artist in San Francisco and has made several media appearances including a documentary on UK television.

He is the owner of Charisma Arts. Juggler is a veteran of the pickup scene. Juggler's collected wisdom is available in a book called simply ' The Juggler Method' or ' Conversational Jujitsu'. This was a good one-stop-shop for Juggler's take on seduction practice. [Juggler] intrigued me. He advised AFCs to overcome their shyness by trying to talk a homeless person into giving them a quarter?He told others to challenge themselves and intentionally make pickups more difficult by saying they work d as trash collectors and drove '86 Impalas. Juggler Quotes There is pride involved in being a pickup artist.

It is a challenge. I have performer friends who can explode on stage like samurai and kill five hundred people, but they are afraid to approach a girl in a bar. I don't blame them. Most audiences are horny to be fucked. They want it hard and deep. But the girl sitting on the barstool is more difficult. She is scarier.

She is the five hundred pound gorilla in a little black dress. And she can bust you up, if you let her. But she is also horny to be fucked. We are all horny to be fucked.

I have found the Juggler method to be the essential foundation of a successf ul PU. Of course, you need a full dose of ASF to be completely successful. I consider Juggler method to be es sential because it keeps the conversation flowing.

A dead conversation is a dead sarge. A natural conversation is best. For me the main thing about J uggler method is to amplify her responses and dig into her world by making statements, and NOT INTERROGATE her with questions. Example: YOU: (Instead of, 'So where are you from?' ) Go 'You look like a country girl' she'll tell you where she is from. [Then expand on that] YOU: 'I hear all the chicks from xxxx are really wild.'

She'll tell some are. YOU: You look like a nice-good chick, maybe too nice for me; I don't know if we will get along. She will tell she is wild too You expand and expand.get the picture This gets the conversation started and rolling.Now you need to add the other ingredients to build the attraction. Add C&F to her responses.add mas sive VALUE, Gimmicks (cube, s.fields, ESP, etc.) KINO.

Qualifiers.Go SS.Isolate and go Gunwitch.and close. As you rely on Juggler method as your foundation you will feel like a natural PUA cause you are running freestyle! Its really that simple:) As an exercise, try going p urely Juggler and see how well it works for you, if anything it will build your co nversational skills. I am a pretty good PUA and I care about each and every girl. I usually am seeing three or four at a time but when I lose one I am sad.

Lost one this week. A really sweet girl.

She had an innocent and affectionate personality I really enjoyed. It pains me she is out of my life.

However, the pain IS different from what you feel when you lose a girl you have oneitis over. You will get to the point where you see this. You will care more for a girl's soul then you care for her being in your life. Does that make sense? I am sad she will miss the things I can bring to her. I am sad I will miss seeing the things I could bring ou t of her. It is like being a hunter.

You study the prey. You learn how the prey thinks. You try to anticipate the prey's moves. After awhile you can 't help but somewhat admire, understand and care for the prey.

Of course, when you see the prey you are still going to kill it but you have a kind of compasion in your heart. The purpose of any story or 'material' should NOT be to entertain. It should be to ATTRACT. You attract by showing your humanity (your feelings and reactions to life). You had many opportunities to do that with in this story b ut missed them: How did you feel about the dog? You could have said, 'my neighbor's dog was in front of his house. I love this dog.

He is so affectionate and fun. I actually taught him a couple of tricks.' Or however y ou felt.

How did you feel about the dog hitting his head? Here, you did express some reaction - which is good. But think about what you are saying. I can see that you are not focused on how you are feeling with the story but simply looking to be entertaining. You are taking the dog's potential injuries very lightly and are more concerned about having to tell the owners about the dog then anything else.

You should have hammed it up here: 'I was like, oh my gosh, you poor thing. I rushed over there thinking maybe I would have to give mouth to snout resuscitation, which I really didn't want to do but I would have to save the little guy. So I got over there and leaned over and checked for breathing.' Then I would pause here and let her ask, 'What? Was he okay?' Then tell her, 'He suddenly sprung to his feet, almost giving me a heart attack.

So you see I am lucky to even be able to make this phone call.' Also, over all slow down and try to shorten your stories. Cut out the facts and put in more of how you feel. When you can do that, you will be able to spin stories about the most simplest things into attraction. As I mentioned in a thread of breakbeat's recently, I am now using a lot of what Juggler has been recommending with regards to being genuinely expressive and keeping the convo focused (as much as can be) on MYSELF and am relying on myself as basically the sole source of ALL sarging material. I have noticed women being responsive to it.

Here is an example. ME: Yeah, I am a psy ch major now. I am just interest ed in this class because I come from a family of lawyers and cops.

I changed from Computer Science because the company paying for my school laid me off and. HB: Ooooh I am sorry.

ME: Oh, don't be, it's the BEST thing that ever happened to me. ME: Oh yeah, I was in a deep st ate of denial about how much I was enjoying being a software engineer. I was a different person when I first got the job at 20.

I felt s o proud to have this great job and to be so well thought of and it was all so new. But as time went on I started to enjoy it less and less but I felt trapped, it if I had painted myself into a corner. Now I am learning about the stuff I really like. Notice particularly in the last quote I am targeting a wide r ange of expression. First I an in a STATE OF DENIAL about my ENJOYMENT, then I was a DIFFERENT PERSON, then I am PROUD, then I FEEL WELL THOUGHT OF, then it w as NEW, then I ENJOY IT LESS, then I FEEL TRAPPED, then I AM PAINTED INTO A CORNER.and so on. As long as you are focused on your reactions to the world as a human being you have an unlimited source of materi al to work with.

If you are sufficiently expressive in this way she will both EV you and open up herself. If you get used to doing t his normally and naturally even when you are not actively sarging you will also experience deeper rapport with people in general and have a more enriching experience as a human being.

Kinda cool how that works:-) The way you know you are really having an incredible connection is that you don't have to talk about what an INCREDIBLE CONNECTION there is or remind her of some incredible connection that went on in her life at some point in the past. All that does is communicate your lack of confidence in your ability to represent the ORIGINAL source of those feelings you are trying to remind her of. Instead, you are focused on communicating about the stuff that such a connection would actually be BASED ON. Canned material should focus on som ething to do with YOU.

The blond hair opener is good for example. So is asking her opinion of some article of clothing y ou are wearing. In transitioning, keep the focus still on you and move progressively towards a feeling of free-flow expression between you and her.

To acknowledge the concerns of people who have stated that they feel a need to develop their confidence with canned routines before trying something like this I will point out that the confidence you develop doing that is illus ory. The confidence is in the material, not in you. When you are genuinely expressing y our core self and are able to s ee women responding well to that and not something you have read in a newsgroup your self-esteem goes through the roof.